


To do doing done



如:a developing country 一个发展中的国家 (表进行)

a developed country 一个发展完的国家(表完成)


1. 在时间上表示动作正在进行。例如: a developing country. 一个发展中的国家, boiling water 沸水, rising sun 冉冉升起的太阳。

2. 在语态上表示主动。例如: the ruling class 统治阶级, the exploiting class 剥削阶级。


1、在时间上表示完成。比如: a developed country 一个发达国家, boiled water 白开水, risen sun 升起的太阳)

2、在语态上表示被动。比如: the ruled class 被统治阶级, the exploited class 被剥削阶级


1. 分词作表语 (看分词与主语的关系

The movie is very touching (电影很感人)

They are touched by the movie (他们被感动)

The movie is very exciting (主动的概念—电影使人兴奋)

People are excited on the movie (人们被电影所兴奋,人是动作的承受者)

Don’t touch the glass because it is broken. 不要碰那个杯子,它是坏的。

He is quitepleasedwith the design of the dress. 她很喜欢那礼服的式样。


注:现在分词表主动,过去分词表被动;另外,表达人物内心的某种感受,心理状态时用过去分词。比如:I am pleased ,(高兴) I am satisfied (满意).



① There was a terrible noise following the sudden burst of light.

② there was a terrible noise followed the sudden burst of light

③I was satisfied with the exciting speech.

④The excited people rushed into the building. 激动的人们奔进了大楼。

⑤We need more qualified teachers. 我们需要更多合格的教师。

B 分词短语做定语 ,是定语从句的省略。分词短语的构成:分词 介词短语(介词 名词)。

I knew the teacher who lived in China

I knew the teacher living in China


比较上面两句话:第二句话把连词who省略,把谓语动词lived 改为分词living

From hill, We saw a bird which is flyingin the sky

From hill, we saw a bird flying in the sky .


Is there anything planned for tomorrow? 明天有什么活动吗?

= Is there anything that will be planned for tommorrow?

Plan动词的过去式也是加ed,过去分词也是由动词 ed 构成,所以要注意区别。

They planed something

The suggestion made by the foreign expert was adopted by the manager.


= The suggestion which was made by the foreign expert was adopted by the manager

The books, written by Lu Xun, are popular with many Chinese people.

这些书是鲁迅写的,受到了许多中国人民的喜爱。 = which was written

The books, which was written by Lu Xun, are popular with many Chinese people.

The meeting, attended by one thousand students, was a success.

这次会议获得很大的成功,共有一千个学生出席了。 = which was atteded

The meeting , which was attended by one thousand students , was a success.

. A __________ gentleman will be the husband of this old widow.

A. young-Look B. young-looking C. young-looked D. looking-young


How can this __________ school teach children?

A. bad-managing B. bad-managed C. badly-managed D. badly-managing
