

英 [ˈhʊdwɪŋk] 美 [ˈhʊdˌwɪŋk]


How do you pump up the value of your company in these difficult times? One tried and tested way is to hoodwink equity analysts,according to a new study of 1,300 corporate bosses,board directors and analysts.如何在这些艰难的时刻推高公司的估值?根据最近一项针对1300位公司老板、董事和分析师的新研究,蒙骗股票分析师的招数屡试不爽。

The complaint also claims that Vale feigned interest in buying assets from Rio,months after the Brazilian group had begun secret negotiations with BSGR,in order to hoodwink Rio into showing it confidential information about Simandou's geology.诉状同时声称,巴西淡水河谷公司在已与BSGR展开秘密磋商数月后,假装有意从力拓公司购入资产,从力拓骗取了有关西芒杜地质情况的机密信息。


[verb] Deceive or trick (someone) [动词]欺骗(某人)或玩花招


我们都知道wink是眨眼的意思,它还有一个过时的意思是“闭眼”,而hoodwink最初的意思就是用眼罩把别人的眼睛蒙住,之后很快它就引申出“掩盖真相”的比喻义了。在用法上,它常与into doing连用来表示骗某人做什么事情。


dupe, fool, con
