
十四世纪之前,菲律宾群岛上多以土著部落形式存在。1390年建立了菲律宾历史上第一个国家---苏禄苏丹国。1565年,西班牙侵占菲律宾,统治菲300多年。1898年美国占领菲律宾。1942年到1945年被日本侵占。1946年7月4日,菲律宾获得独立。 菲律宾为发展中国家、新兴工业国家及世界的新兴市场之一,是世界上最大的蕉麻生产国和椰子出口国。独立至今,菲经历数次经济快速成长,然而政局时常动荡,政府贪污腐败,社会的不安定已成为阻碍其发展的一大因素。上世纪70年代菲通过4次军事行动,非法侵占了中国南沙群岛8个岛礁,这是中菲领土争端的真实起源。

菲律宾比索是菲律宾的法定货币,1比索=100分;此硬币正面主图是菲律宾中央银行的行徽及Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (菲律宾中央银行)字样;菲律宾中央银行成立于1993年,总部设于首都马尼拉,是菲律宾法定货币的发行机构;背面主图为面额和年份及REPUBLIKA NG PILIPINAS(菲律宾共和国)字样。

The Republic of the Philippines, the Philippines for short. Located in the western Pacific Ocean, it is a multi-ethnic and exotic archipelago country in Southeast Asia. It combines Malay culture, Indian culture, Chinese culture and Islamic culture, and has many eastern and western customs and habits. With an area of 297,700 square kilometers and a population of 104.9 million (2017). Manila, the capital.

Before the 14th century, most of the Philippine islands existed in the form of indigenous tribes. The Sultanate of Sulu, the first country in Philippine history, was established in 1390. In 1565, Spain invaded the Philippines and ruled the Philippines for more than 300 years. In 1898, the United States occupied the Philippines. Japan occupied it from 1942 to 1945. On July 4, 1946, the Philippines gained independence.

Philippines is a developing country, an emerging industrial country and one of the world's emerging markets. It is the world's largest Hemp producer and coconut exporter. Since independence, Philippines has experienced several times of rapid economic growth. However, political situation is often unstable, government corruption and social instability have become a major factor hindering its development. In the 1970s, Philippines illegally occupied 8 islands and reefs of China's Nansha Islands through 4 military operations. This is the real origin of the territorial dispute between China and Philippines.

The Philippine peso is the legal tender of the Philippines, with 1 peso =100 cents; The front main picture of this coin is the badge of the Philippine Central Bank and the words Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (Philippine Central Bank); The Philippine Central Bank was established in 1993, headquartered in Manila, the capital, and is the issuing agency of Philippine legal tender. The main picture on the back shows the denomination and year and the words REPUBLIKA NG PILIPINAS (Republic of Philippines).



