Mankind and Machines

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition in three paragraphs. You are given the first sentence of each paragraph. Your part of the composition should be no less than 120 words, not including the words given. Remember to write clearly.

Mankind and Machines

Mankind, the most intelligent creatures on earth, have invented various kinds of machins.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Machines play an important role in our daily life.---------------------------------------------------



Some people think that machines can replace mankind.-----------------------------------------





Mankind and Machines

Mankind, the most intelligent creatures on earth, have invented various kinds of machines. They not only produced vehicles① so that they could use them to travel freely instead of walking, but also invented computers to solve many complex problems which people themselves will be able to solve after a hundred year’s hard work.

Machines play an important role in② our daily life. Farmers use machines in farming or managing. Factories and shops need machines to improve efficiency③. Even when you want to go to office on the 11th floor, you have to use the machine — lift.

Some people think that machines can replace④ mankind. It is a silly idea. We must remember that machines are not only invented by human beings, but also operated by man. Maybe machines do some work that we can’t do now, but they are created by human beings and can’t replace us.



②play an important role in:在…中起重要作用





本文是一篇根据段首句展开的论说文。文章的标题就告诉了我们作文的主题实际是论述“人类和机器”二者之间的关系:人类发明机器,机器在人类生活中起着重要作用。通过在对二者关系做出辩证分析的基础上,我们可以得出结论:机器不能取代人类。全文结合段首句的提示,三个自然段分别从三个不同的方面围绕中心展开。第一段先列举人们发明的许多机器,如:交通工具,计算机等。第二段分析工业、农业及人们的日常生活中机器的作用。第三段对段首句“Some people think that machines can replace mankind”进行否定。最后用一句习语“they are created by human beings and can’t replace us”来结尾,给人感觉掷地有声,铿锵有力。



