23. first, earliest, oldest, initial, original(反义词 copy), introduction, commencement, pioneer, coin, launch, debut, never before seen by human eyes,今天小编就来说说关于雅思听力核心同义词替换?下面更多详细答案一起来看看吧!



23. first, earliest, oldest, initial, original(反义词 copy), introduction, commencement, pioneer, coin, launch, debut, never before seen by human eyes

pioneer (n./v.): 先锋 (也就是第一批做某件事的人),所以 pioneer 和 first 的关系也属于定义型相关

E.g. The new cancer treatment was pioneered in the early eighties by Dr Sylvia Bannerjee.

E.g. He was a pioneer in the field of biotechnology.

initial (a./v.): 头文字 D 的全称就是 Initial Drift(drift 漂移)

E.g. The two countries have initialled a new defence co-operation agreement.

E.g. initial stage/phase/period

original (a.): 阅读中多用来修饰艺术品 “真的” ,不是仿造或者赝品,所以 original 和 copy 是反义词。

E.g. the original painting

coin (v.): 发明,创造

E.g. The word 'cybershot' was coined by SONY.

introduction (n.): 引进 the act of bringing something somewhere for the first time(英英解释)

E.g. the introduction of Buddhism to China nearly 2000 years ago

launch (v.): 我们熟知的意思为火箭的发射,考试中常用的意思为开始或者推广

E.g. The company hopes to launch the new drug by next October.

debut (n./v.): 初次登场

E.g. Paula is the only artist to achieve four number ones from a debut album.

E.g. He made his Major League debut as shortstop.

E.g. The show will debut next Monday at 8.00 pm.

24. 危险,困难

hazard, danger, risk, threat, jeopardy, peril, difficulty, pitfall, problem, trap, drawback, snag, drawback, disadvantage,

downside, flow, deficiency, problem, minus (There are both pluses and minuses to living in a big city.)

25. 有害的,不良影响的 detrimental, damaging, adverse, deleterious, disadvantageous, harmful, unfavourable,

26. 未知的 unknown, little known, rarely known, undiscovered, unexplored, anonymous, nameless, unidentified,
