我相信这么 努力 的你 已经 置顶了夏老师



今天的文章选自于《基督教科学箴言报》(2017年3月22日)。原文标题为“Can you sum up world progress?”


(1) When the cold war ended a quarter century ago, and with it the division of the world into two “camps,” the United Nations decided to start measuring the progress of humanity as a whole.

(2) Thus was born the Human Development Index, a measure that looks beyond mere economic growth and tries to sum up changes in quality of life, or “well-being.”

(3) Twenty-five years later, the UN is still looking for the qualities that can make a difference.

(4) In its latest development index for 188 countries, the UN notes “impressive” progress in very concrete categories from 1990 to 2015.

(5) More than 1 billion people have escaped poverty.

(6) People live longer, more children go to school, and more people have access to basic services such as clean water.

(7) The proportion of women in legislatures is now 23 percent.

(8) More than 50 nations have improved access to official information.

(9) And the rate of deforestation has been felled by half.


the Human Development Index 人类发展指数

beyond prep. 除了

concrete a. 具体的

have access to 接近

proportion n. 比重

legislature n. 立法机关

deforestation n. 森林破坏

to fell v. 砍倒,砍伐


第(2)句Thus was born the Human Development Index, / a measure that looks beyond mere economic growth / and tries to tally up changes in quality of life, or “well-being.”

(1)句子的主干为Thus was born the Human Development Index,全句是一个倒装句。谓语动词为was born.

(2)之后,a measure that looks beyond mere economic growth and tries to sum up changes in quality of life, or “well-being”整个部分作为Human Development Index的同位语。



(1) When the cold war ended a quarter century ago, and with it the division of the world into two “camps,” the United Nations decided to start measuring the progress of humanity as a whole.


(2) Thus was born the Human Development Index, a measure that looks beyond mere economic growth and tries to sum up changes in quality of life, or “well-being.”

—— “人类发展指数”便应运而生,它审视的不仅是经济发展而且设法计算生活质量或“幸福”的变化。

(3) Twenty-five years later, the UN is still looking for the qualities that can make a difference.


(4) In its latest development index for 188 countries, the UN notes “impressive” progress in very concrete categories from 1990 to 2015.


(5) More than 1 billion people have escaped poverty.


(6) People live longer, more children go to school, and more people have access to basic services such as clean water.


(7) The proportion of women in legislatures is now 23 percent.


(8) More than 50 nations have improved access to official information.


(9) And the rate of deforestation has been felled by half.




