


We are mesmerized by every culture. We act like sponges when we go to a new country we’ve never been to and we immerse ourselves into every experience and soak our souls with its depth.


    be mesmerized by ... 被...吸引/迷住

    act like ... 像...一样行动/行事/生活...

    sponge 海绵

    a new country (which/that) we've never been to 我们从没去过的国家

    immerse sb in/into ... 把...沉浸在...

    soak sth with sth ... 用...浸泡... depth 深度 soak our souls with its depth这个表达大家不要纠结怎么翻译,其实你们能理解它的意思。重要的是去体会、去感受,而不是必须找到好的中文对应。

We go to bookstores to browse through the travel section, pick out travel guides and sit there skimming through the pages and daydreaming about our future travels.


    browse through ... 随意浏览...

    travel section 旅游书籍区

    travel guide 旅行指南

    skim through ... 浏览...、略读...

    daydream about ... 做关于...的白日梦

We’re not saying that you should give up everything in your life this second, buy a ticket, and pack your backpack. Although you can if you really want to.


    give up sth, give sth up 放弃...

    this second 在这一秒钟,现在

    pack your backpack 去打包、收拾行李

