火星公主(4)A princes of marsI opened my eyes upon a very strange land. I immediately knew I was on mars. Not once did I question this fact. My mind told me I was on mars as your mind tells you that you are upon earth, you don’t question the fact. Nor did I. I found myself laying on a bed of yellow color grass that covered the land for kilometers. ,今天小编就来说说关于土星公主的电影?下面更多详细答案一起来看看吧!



火星公主(4)A princes of mars

I opened my eyes upon a very strange land. I immediately knew I was on mars. Not once did I question this fact. My mind told me I was on mars as your mind tells you that you are upon earth, you don’t question the fact. Nor did I. I found myself laying on a bed of yellow color grass that covered the land for kilometers.


The time was near the middle of the day. And the sun was shining full upon me. It was warm. I decided to do a little exploring. Springing to my feet. I received my first Martian surprise. The effort to stand carried me into the Martian air to the height of about one meter.


I landed softly upon the ground however without incident. I found that I must learn to walk all over again. My muscles were used to gravity of earth, mars has less gravity. My attempts to walk resulted to jumps and hops which took me into the air. Once I landed on my face.


I soon learned that it took much less effort for me to move on mars that it did on earth.


Near me was a small low wall. Carefully, I made my way to the wall and looked over. It was filled with eggs. Some already broken open. Small green creatures were in there. They looked at me with huge red eyes.


As I watched the fierce—looking creatures. I failed to hear twenty full grown Martina coming from behind me. They had come without warming. as I turned, I saw them.


One of them coming to me with a huge spear with its sharp tip pointed at my heart.

