





在英语中,粽子可以直接用汉语拼音表达 - Zòngzi,此外还可以说成rice dumpling, rice pudding.


Almost every Chinese holiday has a specific food or foods associated with it, and dragon Boat Festival is no different. On this holiday, the food of choice is zòngzi.

Zòngzi are a type of pyramid-shaped dumpling made of glutinous rice and stuffed with various sweet or savory fillings. Common fillings for sweet zòngzi include sweet red bean paste or jujube.

Savory zòngzi might be stuffed with salted egg yolks, pork or mushrooms. The dumplings themselves are wrapped in bamboo leaves, tied with a string, and either steamed or boiled.


In modern times, the most popular story explaining the origins of the Dragon Boat Festival concerns the death of Qū Yuán, a poet of the Warring States period (approx. 475 to 221 BC).

At the time, it was common for Chinese literati to work in government, and Qu Yuan was no different. He served faithfully as a government official in the State of Chu for some time. After being slandered by another official, however, he was sent into exile.

Qu Yuan spent his exile in a productive manner, writing many works of poetry, but his mind was troubled. The State of Chu was not doing well politically, and news of its various defeats at the hands of competing states sent Qu Yuan into a deep depression.

Eventually, his despair in the face of the political situation drove him to commit suicide by drowning himself in Hunan Province’s Miluo River.

During his time in exile, Qu Yuan had become quite popular with the local people. Legend has it that when they realized he was attempting to drown himself, the citizenry rushed in boats to the middle of the river in an attempt to save him or at least retrieve his body.

Unable to find him and worried that fish would eat his body, they threw balls of sticky rice into the river in hopes that the fish would choose the rice over Qu Yuan.

“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。” - 屈原

