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外刊精读笔记 |《纽约时报》评英国女王伊丽莎白(一)

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Elizabeth became queen of a postwar Britain where sugar was still rationed and rubble (=broken stones or bricks,瓦砾,碎石) from bomb damage still being cleared away. Journalists and commentators promptly (=immediately/swiftly/instantly,立即)cast the 25-year-old as (=describe/present...as...) a phoenix rising into a new Elizabethan age. An inevitable analogy (比喻), perhaps, and a pointed (=尖锐的,修饰前面涅槃重生这个类比) one (one指的是analogy,这样表述避免重复).

拓展一个表示『一针见血』的表达:hit the nail on the head



The first Elizabethan Age, in the second half of the 16th century, marked (=is a sign of / signal(v.) / proclaim / signify / stand for / symbolize / suggest / show,“标志着”可以简单理解为“是is/are”) England’s emergence (=rise/) from a second-tier European state to an ambitious overseas power (=country/economy,国家,并且特指军事强国).


the Army 陆军

the Navy 海军

Marines 海军陆战队

Air Force 空军

Elizabeth I expanded the navy, encouraged privateering (=pirate ship

海盗船,武装民船,私掠船,抢劫其他船只的船) and granted charters to (=give permssionto授予许可证) trading companies that laid the foundations for (=pave the route/way for / help to build / encourage) a transcontinental (=crossing a continent,横贯大陆的) empire.

After her coronation (加冕礼) at Westminster Abbey in 1953, journalists and commentators promptly cast the 25-year-old queen as a phoenix rising into a new Elizabethan age.


Elizabeth II grew up in a royal family whose significance in the British Empire had swollen (=increase / become bigger,是swell的过去分词,本义“身体部位肿胀”引申出抽象概念的“增加,变强”之意) even as its political authority (=political power,政治权力)shrank (=become smaller / diminish / decrease / recede(如旱季水流减少) / dwindle),shrink的过去式,本义“缩水”引申出抽象概念的“变小,减弱”) at home.

The monarchy ruled an ever-lengthening (不断变长的,ever-前缀意思是一直,如ever-changing 一直变化的) list of Crown colonies (英国政府直辖殖民地,直接由英国政府管辖的殖民地), including Hong Kong (1842), India (1858) and Jamaica (牙买加) (1866).

Queen Victoria, proclaimed (=publicly and officially tell / announce / declare / ,宣布) empress of India (被封为印度女王) in 1876, presided over (=host / lead / be in charge of / chair / act as a chairman of / anchor[主持电视节目],主持会议)flamboyant (=brightly coloured and noticeable / colorful / dazzling / fancy,色彩绚丽夺目的,修饰庆祝活动,本质是表达活动的“大而隆重 big”) celebrations of imperial patriotism; her birthday was enshrined from 1902 as (=state ... in an important written document / be proclaimed/celebrated/recognized/decided/marked as,被定为...节日) Empire Day.


背景②:1901年,5月24号被作为 “Empire Day”(帝国纪念日)来庆祝大英帝国在女皇领导下所取得的丰功伟绩。在1952年由加拿大政府颁发的法令正式把这个假期改为每年5月24号前的第一个星期一。随后的一年,“Empire Day”被当时的加拿大总督宣布定为女皇诞辰纪念日。1957年,这个节假日被永久性的固定下来,紧接着在1958年,“Empire Day”被正式改名为“Commonwealth Day”(联邦纪念日)。

Members of the royal family made lavish (=flamboyant / brightly coloured and noticeable / colorful / dazzling / fancy,规模盛大,强调耗资巨大) ceremonial tours (=procession,游行,领导人巡视,不再是“旅游”的意思) of the colonies, bestowing (=give/grant,赐给) uponIndigenous (=local/native,土生土长,当地的) Asian and African rulers an alphabet soup of (“字母汤”是大量缩写词(abbreviation)或首字母缩写词(acronym, 如AIDS)的隐喻,包含一层“难懂,天书”的意味) orders and decorations.

关于字母汤 an alphabet soup of,考研英语一也出现了这个用法:

Instead, the digital services tax is part of a much larger trend, with countries over the past few years proposing or putting in place an alphabet soup of new international tax provisions.


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