第十三天 读终极英语单词12000 第二册Level4 部分,计划每天学30个左右,一个月争取读完单词的例句都是从近期英美报刊中节选最新例句,今天小编就来说说关于三分钟快速记住16个英语单词?下面更多详细答案一起来看看吧!



第十三天 读终极英语单词12000 第二册Level4 部分,计划每天学30个左右,一个月争取读完。单词的例句都是从近期英美报刊中节选最新例句。

















ancient 古代的

Historic England branded the attack a “serious crime” that could lead to charges of theft and criminal damage. Keith Emerick, its inspector of ancient monuments, said the organisation was working with the police to investigate the break-in and other vandalism at the site.

invade 侵略 侵袭

Cordier was 20 when the Nazis invaded France. He refused to collaborate and went to London to join the Resistance

mercy 仁慈 宽恕

For the Lord is gracious, his mercy is everlasting

nowadays 现金 当下

David Attenborough on Dynasties: ‘I’ve never cried while filming, but I cry more easily nowadays’

invest 投资

Exxon said the claims by ClientEarth were “false and misleading” and since 2000 it had invested more than $10 billion in “low carbon energy solutions”

venture 企业 商业 投机行为

Eventually investors take fright and the venture capital simply dries up

investigate 调查 研究

A taskforce has been launched to investigate why the rate of babies dyingin Birmingham is almost twice the national average.

explosion 爆炸 爆发

The explosion in 2014 that killed two factory workers was aimed at thwarting the export of arms to Ukraine for use against pro-Moscow separatists.

terror 恐怖 恐惧 惊骇

It is sad that an accomplished Olympian and a one-time beacon of youth excellence is advancing the establishment of a militia whose operations before have caused so much terror

absolutely 绝对的 完全的

I’m going for absolutely everything, the move would have been absolutely easy.

personally 亲自 当面

While it is common for temples to have a guru, it is claimed that worshippers revere Kalia personally as stories of miracles are spread by word of mouth.

involve 包含 牵涉

Kalia is understood to deny all wrongdoing and will defend the claim. Whatever the outcome, the women involved may never manage to move on

scandal 丑闻

Liz Truss was dragged into the lobbying scandal yesterday after it emerged she appointed a Greensill adviser to a government role.

kidnap 绑架 诱拐

In December Italian magistrates charged four Egyptian police and security officials with kidnapping Regeni.

willingly 欣然的 乐意

I willingly helped Gsoc bug phones, and in the name of justice I’d do so again

sensation 感觉 知觉

They are afraid that it will turn out that the loss of sensation in my limbs may be associated with poisoning
