Pigs' grunts reveal how they're feeling, new analysis says

A software tool to monitor pig grunts may determine when they need help.



20 March 2022, 02:59

A database of thousands of grunts, oinks, snuffles and squeals, gathered and recorded from hundreds of pigs at every stage of their lives, will be used to help farmers better understand their animals' emotional states and improve their welfare in the future, according to a new study.



The researchers used an artificial intelligence system that determines with high accuracy whether the vocalizations made by pigs are expressions of positive or negative feelings, and even the circumstances where the sounds are made -- including situations such as nursing piglets, meeting their mothers or littermates, waiting around, being surprised, and huddling together.



It turns out that pigs are among the most talkative farm animals, so their vocalizations have often been studied to find out what they're saying.


The findings confirmed what was suggested by previous studies -- in general, high-pitched calls correspond to negative emotional states, while low-pitched calls correspond to positive states. But the researchers also observed a large number of calls that weren't easily categorized. For example, some high-pitched calls with short durations that didn't vary much in volume could actually be positive.



Such a high level of accuracy could be good news for pigs on farms -- the exact number is unknown, but there are estimated to be more than 650 million around the world.


Briefer and her colleagues now intend to implement their pig grunt database in a software application that will monitor the vocalizations made in commercial pig herds and notify farmers when their animals express high levels of negative emotions, such as when piglets cry out that they are being crushed by their mother, a recurrent problem among pigs and one of the contexts that can be distinguished using the database.



McElligott notes the welfare of pigs in commercial farms is a major concern worldwide. "The numbers are huge," he said. "This tool will allow us to improve the lives of these animals."


原文出处Pigs' grunts reveal how they're feeling, new analysis says - ABC News https://abcnews.go.com/US/pigs-grunts-reveal-feeling-analysis/story?id=83551570
