
1 be against the rules 违反规定

2 be excited about 对……感到兴奋

3 insist on (doing) 坚持(做)

4 lose one’s mind 发疯;失去理智

5 lose touch with sb 和……失去联系

6 fall in love with sb; feel a sudden attraction for sb; suddenly begin to love sb 突然爱上某人

7 out of the question 不可能

8 out of question 毫无疑问;不在话下

9 take (sth) for granted 认为……是理所当然的

10 get in touch with sb 和……取得联系

11 what’s the good of… ……又有什么用呢?

12 run into sb 偶然遇见某人

13 break our engagement 解除婚约

14 look indifferently at the passing cars 对过往的车辆视而不见

15 sign one’s name 签名

16 positive proof 确凿的证据

17 be engaged to a young doctor 与一位年轻的医生订婚了

18 In his opinion, the inflation has nothing to do with the economic policy of the government. 在他看来,通货膨胀与政府的经济政策无关。

19 a romantic business 一件浪漫的事

20 take on great responsibility 承担很大的责任

