①"Having served in that tumultuoustime after Sept. 11 attacks, I can offer you my personal commitment, clearly and without reservation, that under my leadership, on my watch, CIA will not restart such a detention and interrogation program," Haspel said.,今天小编就来说说关于英语三级笔译考试真题详解?下面更多详细答案一起来看看吧!



①"Having served in that tumultuoustime after Sept. 11 attacks, I can offer you my personal commitment, clearly and without reservation, that under my leadership, on my watch, CIA will not restart such a detention and interrogation program," Haspel said.

A. tremendous

B. tempestuous

C. tedious

D. torrential

②However, we would not desire for order until we are confronted with chaos, gloominess and unknown, as we would not appreciate security once we are out of danger.

A. estimate

B. understand

C. recognize

D. perceive

③Mark joined as an office boy at the age of fourteen with no academic qualifications as such at all.

A. credentials

B. measurements

C. skills

D. talents

④Following her defeat, Mrs. May promised to consult MPs on possible changes to make her Brexit deal more palatable.

A. tasteful

B. logical

C. proficient

D. acceptable

⑤These houses are few and very conspicuous: imposing grey-walled structures towering over clusters of old dilapidated homes.

A. empty

B. lonely

C. run-down

D. tear-down

⑥They spoke softly and glanced warily around alleyway comers to make sure no one was eavesdropping.

A. fearlessly

B. confidently

C. prudently

D. silently

⑦Daily life is all about having faith in yourself and allowing that faith to inspire the courage of your conviction.





⑧Hegel considers self-consciousness a turning point for the development of spiritual phenomenon while the consciousness of agony is the accomplishment of self-consciousness since it fully displays the basic dialectic structure of all human spiritual forms.

A. attainment

B. fulfillment

C. acquirement

D. achievement


①B. 这句话的意思是:哈斯佩尔说:因为在9.11恐怖袭击后那段混乱的时期 的工作经历, 我可以毫无保留地向你承诺, 在我的领导下, 在我的监督下, 中情局不会重新启动这样的拘留和审问计划。画线词tumultuous意为 “(事件, 时 期)动乱的、骚乱的、动荡”;tempestuous意为“(关系)紧张的、(局势)动荡不定的"; tremendous意力 “极大的 巨大的 ”; tedious意为“冗长乏味的”;torrential意为 “奔流的” 。根据题意,答案为B。

②B. 这旬话的意思是:正如入们一旦摆脱危险,就不会体会安全的重要性一样, 在经历过混沌、 幽暗和未知之后,才能真正领会到我们是多么渴望井然的秩序。画线语appreciate 意为“领会”; understand意为“理解、懂得”;estimate意为“估计”;recognize 意为“认出”;perceive意为“察觉感觉”。根据题意,答案为B。

③A. 这旬话的意思是:马克在14岁的时候以勤杂员的身份进入公司 他当时根 本就没有任何学历。画线词qualification意为 “文凭、证书”; credential意为“证书、文凭”,measurement意为“测量”; skill意为“技能、技巧”;talent意为“天赋、才能”。根据题意,答案为A。

④D. 这句话的意思是:败北之后,梅承诺将与议会议员讨论脱欧协议有可能做

的修改, 使之更容易被接受。 palatable意为 “可意的、可接受的”;acceptable意为“可接受的”;tasteful“有鉴赏力的、趣味高雅的、得体的”; logical意为“合乎逻辑的、 有逻辑的”;proficient意为“熟练的、精通的”。根据旬意,答案为D。

⑤C. 这句话的意思是这些房屋很少,而且非常引人注目——宏伟的灰墙建筑耸立在成堆的破旧房屋之上。画线词也dilapidated意为“破烂的、年久失修的”; run-down意为“破败的”;empty意为“空的”;lonely意为“孤独的”;tear­down意为“拆毁、解体”。根据题意,答案为C。

⑥C. 这旬话的意思是:他们说话声音很轻, 警惕地扫视着小巷周围的角落以确保没人偷听。 画线词warily意为“警惕地、小心翼翼地”;prudently意为“谨慎地、慎重地”;fearlessly意为“勇敢地、无畏地”;confidently意为“信赖地、安心地”;silently意为“默默地、静静地”。因此选项C为正确答案。

⑦A. 这句话的意思是:日常生活就是要对自己有信心,并让这种信心激发你的 信念的勇气。画线词conviction意为 “看法、信念”;belief意为“信仰”;concept 意为“观念、概念”;argument意为“理由、论据”;theory意为“理论”。根据题意,答案为A。

⑧D. 这句话的意思是:黑格尔将自我意识视为精神现象发展的转折点, 而苦恼意识则是自我意识的完成,它完整地展示出人类所有精神形态的基本辩证结构。画线词accomplishment意为“成就、完成”;achievement意为 “达到、完成”; attainment意为“获得、 成就”; fulfillment意为 “满意、满足” ;acquirement意为“学习、获得”。根据题意,答案为D。
