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The wife of a US diplomat who fatally hit a British teenager and left the country is Anne Sacoolas, Sky News can reveal.天空新闻确认,那个撞死少年并逃离英国的美国外交官之妻是安妮·萨科拉斯。Mrs Sacoolas, 42, has claimed diplomatic immunity and left the UK for America after 19-year-old Harry Dunn was killed in a head-on collision while riding his motorbike.42岁的萨科拉斯夫人在撞死19岁的哈里·邓恩后,声称拥有外交豁免权,很快离开英国回到美国。Police believe Mrs Sacoolas was on the wrong side of the road as she emerged from Northamptonshire's RAF Croughton on 27 August.警方认为,8月27日事故当天,萨科拉斯夫人从北安普顿郡的皇家空军克劳顿基地出来时逆行了。

▲ Anne Sacoolas: Identity revealed of diplomat's wife who fatally hit British teen and claimed immunity (via news.sky.com)


Northamptonshire Police Superintendent Sarah Johnson said in a statement, “We can confirm that a 42-year-old American woman being treated as a suspect in our investigation into a fatal road traffic collision on the B4031 Park End, Croughton, on Tuesday, August 27, has left the country.”北安普顿郡警司莎拉·约翰逊在一份声明中说,“我们可以确认,在8月27日车祸中肇事的42岁美国妇女已经离开英国。”Johnson added, “Northamptonshire Police followed all of its usual procedures following the incident, including liaising closely with the suspect, who engaged fully with us at the time and had previously confirmed to us that she had no plans to leave the country in the near future. Due process was also followed in seeking the necessary documentation to allow for the arrest and formal interview of the suspect, and the Force is now exploring all opportunities through diplomatic channels to ensure that the investigation continues to progress.”约翰逊补充说:“北安普顿郡警方在事件发生后遵循了一切常规程序,包括与嫌疑人密切联系,当时她满口答应,且在此之前也向我们保证,她绝没有短期内离开英国的计划。警方亦已循正当程序以便拘捕及正式会见嫌疑人。警队现正通过外交途径寻求一切机会,以确保调查继续进行。”According to Sky News, someone on the American side told Sacoolas to leave Britain. In a statement, the U.S. State Department declined to name Sacoolas and her husband, citing security and privacy considerations.据天空新闻报道,美国方面有人告诉萨科拉斯离开英国。在一份声明中,美国国务院拒绝透露萨科拉斯和她丈夫的名字,声称是出于安全和隐私方面的考虑。“We express our deepest sympathies and offer condolences to the family of the deceased in the tragic Aug. 27 traffic accident involving a vehicle driven by the spouse of a U.S. diplomat assigned to the United Kingdom. We can confirm the family has left the U.K.,” the State Department said.美国务院表示:“对于8月27日美国驻英国外交官配偶造成的交通事故中的死者家属,我们表示最深切的同情和慰问。我们可以确认这家人已经离开了英国。

▲ Anne Sacoolas: US Diplomat’s Wife Identified in Harry Dunn Fatal Crash (via heavy.com)


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据公开资料显示,2006年萨科拉斯就曾在弗吉尼亚州费尔法克斯县吃过一张交通罚单,理由是开车时注意力不集中(failure to pay full time and attention)。




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Mrs Charles told the BBC's PM programme: "We're really hoping to try to get her back; from me, as a mum, to her, as a mum, you just hope that he [Mr Raab] can try to get through to her.查尔斯夫人接受BBC采访时说:“我们真的希望她能回来;我是一个母亲,她也是一个母亲,真的希望他(拉布先生)能让她明白这一点。”"We don't wish her any ill harm, but we don't understand how she can just get on a plane and leave our family just utterly devastated.“我们不希望她受到任何伤害,但我们不明白她怎么能就这样登上飞机,留下我们一家人在这里心碎欲绝。”"If we don't get any luck over here, then we will go over there."“如果在这儿我们得不到正义,那么我们就会去那里(美国)。”

▲ Harry Dunn crash: Mum appeals for US suspect's return (via BBC)

她甚至还悲切地喊话特朗普,“总统先生,我们的家已支离破碎了”。('President Trump, we're a family in ruin')


图 via Charlotte Charles


Dominic Raab, the foreign secretary, personally intervened, urging US ambassador Woody Johnson to grant a waiver of immunity, which was declined.外交大臣多米尼克·拉布亲自出面干预,敦促美国大使伍迪·约翰逊取消萨科拉斯的豁免权,却遭到拒绝。The US State Department said the issue of a waiver had received “careful attention at senior levels” but said they were rarely granted.美国国务院表示,“高层认真关注”了取消豁免权的问题,但实际操作上很少批准。

▲ Harry Dunn death: US diplomat's wife who left UK after fatal crash named (via telegraph.co.uk)














