海关总署1月14日发布数据,2020年我国货物贸易进出口总值32.16万亿元,同比增长1.9%,在新冠肺炎疫情和单边主义、保护主义等多重压力之下创历史新高,成为全球唯一实现货物贸易正增长的主要经济体。 China emerged in 2020 as the world's only major economy to have registered positive growth in foreign trade in goods. China's total goods imports and exports expanded 1.9 percent year on year to 32.16 trillion yuan in 2020, hitting a record high despite Covid-19 pandemic and trade challenges such as unilateralism and protectionism, official data of the General Administration of Customs showed on January 14.









We will tap into the growth potential of foreign trade with a view to boosting growth in international trade and the world economy. China will encourage cross-border e-commerce and other new business forms and models to grow even quicker to foster new drivers of foreign trade. China will shorten its catalog of technologies prohibited or restricted from import to create a favorable environment for the free flow of technologies across borders.



国际国内要素有序自由流动free yet orderly flow of both international and domestic factors of production

多边贸易体制 multilateral trading system

