


The use of chopsticks dates back to ancient times when the most Chinese were peasants.Those farmers didn't want to use their dirty hands to pick up to foods, nor did they want to get burned, so they began using twigs to pick them up.Since Chinese began using chopsticks as children , they find them efficient and easy to use .Chopsticks are made of wood, bamboo, and plastic, and are generally held with the right hand.The use of chopsticks has been a part of Chinese food culture.Nowadays, chopsticks serve as many new functions besides tableware.For example, you can buy exquisite chopsticks as a gift to your friends and relatives.



Chopsticks, invented by ancient Chinese people, are a kind of tableware with distinct national features, being an important component that reflects the characteristics of Chinese diet culture.The history of using chopsticks in China dates back to the Shang Dynasty, more than 3,000 years ago.Chopsticks, the quintessence of Chinese culture, whose lightness and flexibility develop a school of its own among various tableware all over the world, are praised as "Eastern Civilization" by the westerners.All those people who have ever used chopsticks, no matter Chinese or foreigners, marvel at their convenience, excellent quality and reasonable price.
