Parents are over protective is a highly debatable topic,but I agree thatparents are over protective.

Many parents like to keep their child close to them,without giving themmuch freedom.This means that the child cannot explore, and is given limitedamount of exploration area,so it is harder for children to learn. It is commonlysaid that children like myself, and even younger ones, learn most throughexperience and exploration. If we can't explore,then how are we expected toperform up to our highest standard?

Also,if parents are over protective of their children, then both the parentsand the children will get paranoid, always afraid to venture farther than before,and to expand their knowledge. If that is what happens now, then when thechildren become parents,they will be over protective of theirchildren too and itwill be passed on and on, until it will be considered normal.

Even more,if we,the children, are always so protected, then how are weexpected to learn to be independent? Like I've already written, children learnquicker if they explore themselves. Independency is something that a personcan't learn through someone else, but only through themselves.

If there is alwayssomeone shielding you, it is as much a barrier in children's learning as videogames or electronic games,and will drag the child away from their best standard,down to average, or in some cases lower.








