



(图 via theverge.com)

Vinson & Elkins国际律师事务所合伙人贾森⋅莱文(Jason Levine),已经处理过多起涉表情包证据的案件。他告诉CNN Business,很多法官对陡增的涉表情包案件还没做好充分准备,尤其是那些上了年纪的,对这种新兴的表达方式不熟悉的法官们。

"Someone may use threatening symbols, a gun, a pointed finger, and then behind it put a symbol for 'just joking,'" said attorney Karen S. Elliott of Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott, a firm that has worked on cases with emojis.

“有人可能会使用威胁符号、枪、用手指指指点点的符号,然后在后面加上一个‘只是开玩笑’的符号,”Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott律师事务所的凯伦⋅S⋅艾略特律师说道。该律师事务所已经处理过几起涉表情包案件。

"There is a lot that could get lost in the translation. Was it a joke? Or was it serious? Or was the person just using the emoji to hedge so that they could later argue it was not serious?"


Emojis are increasingly coming up in court cases. Judges are struggling with how to interpret them (via CNN)

圣塔克拉拉大学法学教授埃里克⋅戈德曼(Eric Goldman)一直在监测法庭判决。他发现,在美国,将表情包作为呈堂证供的案件,由2017年的33起上升到2018年的53起。而截至2019年上半年,这一数字已经接近50起了。在性骚扰、刑事案件和职场诉讼案件中,经常涉及表情包证据。

No court guidelines exist on how to approach the topic. Sometimes a judge might describe the emoji in question to jurors, rather than allow them to see and interpret it for themselves. In some cases, emojis are omitted from evidence altogether, Goldman said.



(图 via Santa Clara University)

表情符号管理机构统一码联盟(Unicode Consortium),管理着超过2823个表情符号,涉及食物、饮料、手势、活动和面部表情。

Emojis can be especially misinterpreted when used without text, according to ABI Research analyst Stephanie Tomsett.

ABI Research分析师斯蒂芬妮•汤姆塞特表示,如果不使用文字,表情符号特别容易被误解。

For example, a face with sunglasses could be used to convey a sunny day, feeling cool or "deal with it." Similarly, the emoji with smoke coming out of the nose could be read as "angry" when it's intended to mean "triumph."




不同平台上的“胜利”表情包(图 via CNN)


That's especially true when you consider how symbols vary by culture.


The thumbs-up gesture has been up for debate as offensive or vulgar in the Middle East, while it's a sign of something good in other parts of the world.



In a 2016 study from the University of Minnesota, participants rated popular emoji characters on Android and iOS as positive or negative. In the case of the emoji called "a grinning face with smiling eyes," some people interpreted the image as "blissfully happy" on Android, while it looked like it was "ready to fight" on iOS.



(图 via The Washington Post)

Another study found about 25% of participants were unaware the emojis they posted on Twitter could appear differently based on their followers' devices. After being shown how one of their tweets rendered across platforms, 20% said they would have edited or not sent the tweet.



(图 via 网络)


"With the proliferation of any new technology, there is an adjustment period for everyone, including judges," he said. "As judges become more familiar and comfortable with emojis, they will figure out the best ways to adapt existing legal principles to [them]."



整合:Du Qiongfang


图/题图:CNN,The Washington Post,theverge.com, Santa Clara University, 网络
