1.不白之冤:unrighted wrong; unredressed injustice
2.不败纪录:clean record, spotless record
3.不避艰险:shrink from no difficulty or danger; make light of difficulties and dangers
4.不辨菽麦:be unable to tell beans from wheat—have no knowledge of practical matters
5.不成体统:most improper, downright outrageous
6.不成文法:unwritten law, customary law, common law
7.不逞之徒:unruly person, desperado
8.不耻下问:not feel ashamed to seek advice from one’s subordinates
9.不出所料:as expected, as might have been expected
10.不揣冒昧:venture to,
11.不辞而别:run away (without other’s knowing)
12.不辞辛苦:spare no effort, take pains, take the trouble to
13.不打不成器:spare the rod and spoil the child
14.不打不成交:No discord, no concord.
15.不打自招:make a confession of one’s own accord; disclose unintentionally, give oneself away
16.不大不小:neither too big nor too small, just right
17.不当回事:not think sht. Important
18.不到长城非好汉:He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.
19.不到黄河心不死:not stop until one reaches the Huang River—not stop until one reaches one’s goal
20.不得安宁:disturbing, on one’s back
21.不得而知:awkward, unhandy
23.不得要领:fail to grasp the main points, fail to get the nick of sth.
24.不凳大雅之堂:not appeal to refined tastes, be unpolished, be coarse and vulgar
25.不动生色:show no emotion
26.不二法门:one and only way, only proper course
27.不费吹灰之力:as easy as blowing off dust, as easy as failing off a log
28.不分彼此:make no distinction between one’s own and sb. Else’s, share everything
29.不分敌我:not distinguish between the enemy and ourselves
30.不分高低:be equally matched
32.不分青红皂白:make no distinction between right and wrong, indiscriminately
33.不负众望:not inspire popular confidence
34.不干不净:unclean, filthy
35.不敢告劳:be willing to work hard with-out complaint
36.不敢问津:not dare to inquire
37.不敢越雷池一步:dare not overstep the limit
38.不告而别:do a bunk
39.不攻自破:collapse of itself
41.不关痛痒:of no consequence, immaterial
42.不管三七二十一:casting all caution to the winds, regardless of the consequences, recklessly
43.不过尔尔:not better than that--only just so, merely mediocre, just middling
45.不怀好意:harbor malicious intentions
47.不欢而散:break up in discord
48.不慌不忙:calmly, without hurry or bustle, at leisure
49.不即不离:be neither too close nor too distant
50.不计其数:countless, innumerable