

What sort of food do the locals eat?当地人都吃些什么?

I want to try some regional food.我想品尝一下当地的食物

Can you recommand some local delicacies?有什么当地的美食推荐吗?

What food is this area most famous for?What is the most representative in the local food?这里最著名的传统食物是什么?

What local specialties are worth tasting?有哪些当地特产是值得品尝的?

What kind of local cuisine can we have here?这里有什么地方风味(菜肴)

Is there any local delicacy that is not spicy?有没有不辣的地方美食呢?

Do you have any local food that is light and not greasy?你们这里有清淡而不油腻的地方美食吗?

Is this area known for its seafood?这里是以海鲜闻名吗?

Is there a fast food restaurant around here?Where can we have a quick meal?Where can we find a McDonald's?这附近有快餐店吗?

I'm not fussy, but I don't want fast food.我无所谓,不要是快餐就行。

I want to get a bite to eat. Any suggestions?我想随便吃点东西,有什么建议吗?

How about we go to a cafe this afternoon and just chill out and have some coffee?今天下午我们找一个咖啡馆去喝点咖啡放松一下吧?


Just try stopping at one slice!停下来吃一块绝对让您还想吃!

KFC's Fried chicken is finger-licking.肯德基的炸鸡好吃得让人吮指

The boiled fish smell very nice to me, my mouth is watering!水煮鱼太香了!我要流口水了

如果食物有点状况,我们可以套用下面的句子来表达~It isn't fresh at all.它一点也不新鲜了。

It's too salty and oily.这个又咸又油腻。PS. cold(凉了)、bitter(发苦)、fatty(肥腻的)、fishy(有腥味)。

May I have some mustard?能给我一些芥末吗?

Actually this lamb is too undercooked for me. Could you cook it a little bit longer so it's not so pink?事实上这份羔羊肉对我来说太欠火候了,你们烹饪的时间能再长一些让它看起来不要是粉红色的吗?

Is the refill free?续杯免费吗?

I’d like to order some take-out please. = To go, please.我想外带打包,谢谢。

When will that be ready?什么时候能做好?

This coffee is too strong for me.这咖啡对我来说太浓了。

Could you fix me a snack?您能帮我配一些点心吗?

When will a table be available?什么时候才有空位?

