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什么是think tank(在真题中反复出现的think-tank究竟为何意)(1)

像think-tank这类复合词在文章中反复出现,而且是考点。think-tank含义为“智囊团”。今天的文章选自于《华盛顿邮报》(2017年4月文章),原文标题为“The traditional think tank is withering.”

【回音壁】孩子们现在各种课程十分的紧张,而且考试一波又一波,四六级刷分大战在即 ......,但是考研学习贵在坚持,三日不练手生,就是这个道理。


(1) Anybody who works in Washington knows that think-tanks play an important role in advising the government on policy.

(2) For most bureaucrats, anything past two weeks is long term.

(3) Because experts at think tanks have fewer real-time deadlines, they specialize in the strategic thinking that many Cabinet agencies cannot do.

(4) One organization in particular has dramatically increased its influence over the past decade.

(5) Its reach is so great that it has advised numerous foreign governments on their environmental policies. (6) British officials relied on it when considering reforms of the National Health Service.


to advise v. 咨询,建议

bureaucrat n. 官员,官僚

real-time deadlines 实时最后期限

to specialize in 专攻

strategic a. 战略的

Cabinet agencies 内阁机构

reach n. 范围


第(3)句Because experts at think tanks have fewer real-time deadlines, / they specialize in the strategic thinking / that many Cabinet agencies cannot do.

(1)句子的主干为they specialize in the strategic thinking (主谓宾)。

(2)之后,连词that引导定语从句many Cabinet agencies cannot do修饰thinking.

(3)句首,连词because引导原因状语从句,即because experts at think tanks have fewer real-time deadlines.


(1) Anybody who works in Washington knows that think-tanks play an important role in advising the government on policy.


(2) For most bureaucrats, anything past two weeks is long term.


(3) Because experts at think tanks have fewer real-time deadlines, they specialize in the strategic thinking that many Cabinet agencies cannot do.


(4) One organization in particular has dramatically increased its influence over the past decade.


(5) Its reach is so great that it has advised numerous foreign governments on their environmental policies.


(6) British officials relied on it when considering reforms of the National Health Service.



