


两人穿着健身服,手机放着周杰伦的《本草纲目》,活力四射对着镜头跳起自编健身操,同时中气十足大声喊口号:Come on!人鱼线,马甲线,练起来,腰间赘肉咔咔掉!



1. teacher老师/教育者


John is my English teacher.i


I want to become a teacher in the future.


2. trainer 培训师/教练



We welcomed our software trainer today.


The trainer will train us to be a better speaker.


3. coach 培训师/教练


basketball coach/football coach/music coach

相对trainer, coach 水平会更高/更有经验

p.s. 这几个词英语不死板,有时候可以替换,


gym coach/personal trainer/fitness instructor 都是表示健身教练/私人教练



Jay Chou’s 49-Year-Old Trainer Goes Viral With Home Workouts


go viral 走红

Ever since joining China’s fitness craze, singer and composer Liu Genghong has done well for himself in terms of his social media following.


craze n. 狂热,风靡一时的事物

Best known as the father of Puff (his daughter’s nickname), who participated in the variety show Where Are We Going, Dad?, the buff celebrity makes his enthusiasm for fitness known by publicly flexing his Muscles. He even trains his celebrity friends, such as megastar Jay Chou.



Liu's workout livestream has taken the internet by storm. In his livestreams, Liu and his wife appear energetic, friendly, happy and super fit. They exercise and dance to up-beat songs while explaining and showing their moves, often encouraging those participating from their own living rooms.

Although Liu’s dance moves look simple, they are often too intense for his audience to follow.



variety show 综艺节目buff adj. 身体强健的,肌肉发达的flex muscles 展示肌肉megastar [ˈmeɡəstɑːr] n. 超级巨星

In recent news, Liu’s workout livestream on Douyin, the Chinese equivalent of TikTok, has taken the internet by storm. Data shows that his Douyin account has gained more than 10 million followers in the past month, and the cumulative(累计的) number of viewers of his livestreams has exceeded 74 million.


take the internet by storm 掀起网络风潮

The main reason for this is Liu’s carefully curated(仔细挑选并展览的) playlist: Jay Chou songs often serve as his background music. Liu is good friends with the actor-musician and has even appeared in Chou’s movie Initial D.



One of his most-watched fitness routines is set to ‘Herbalist Manual’ from Jay Chou’s Still Fantasy album. Although Liu’s dance moves look simple, they are often too intense for his audience to follow.


Herbalist Manual 《本草纲目》

“It’s expensive to listen to Jay Chou singing ‘Herbalist Manual’ live, but Liu Genghong’s version almost cost me my life,” joked one netizen.


cost me my life 牺牲了我的生命

Another shared, “I want to slap my leg whenever I hear ‘Herbalist Manual’ now.”


To understand how intense Liu’s fitness videos can get, one needs simply to watch his wife Wang Wanfei’s reactions to his routines. Wang, who won Miss Universe Taipei in 1999 and appeared in Jay Chou’s music video for ‘Hair Like Snow,’ is no stranger to fitness but still gets breathless in the middle of her husband’s livestreams.


no stranger to 对……不陌生

“My wife said she was tired and wanted to take a break from our workouts tomorrow night. What should I do?” Liu posted jokingly on Weibo on April 13. This came after some netizens pointed out that Wang was slacking during Liu’s livestreams.


slack v. 懈怠,偷懒

“Liu Genghong is trying to get rid of his wife,” bantered(无恶意的玩笑) one netizen.


On April 6, a particular incident thrust the singer into the spotlight: His livestream was banned by Douyin. Evidently(显然), his swole(肌肉发达的) body was considered improper.


thrust the singer into 投身于……之中

Comically(滑稽地), to get around the censorship, the couple put on down jackets during their next livestream.


get around 逃避censorship [ˈsensərʃɪp] n. 审查,检查

The outfits amused many netizens, and both celebrities’ social media numbers significantly increased again. Some netizens admitted to switching their loyalty from fitness icon Pamela Reif to Liu, with some even calling themselves ‘Liu Genghong girls.’



对于目标是减肥的朋友,健身达人也提醒大家,跑步、跳操这类有氧运动(cardio, or cardiovascular activity),要结合力量训练(strength training),才能让你瘦得更加健美,同时有效防止体重反弹。


力量训练,如举铁(lifting weights)、俯卧撑(push-up)、深蹲(squats),有助于增加肌肉量和塑形(muscle building),同时提高新陈代谢(metabolism);而有氧运动,如跑步、游泳、跳绳有助于消耗脂肪(burning fat),同时提升你的心肺功能。


Workout这个词指持续一段时间的体育锻炼,也可以用作复数,如chest workouts(胸肌训练), shoulder workouts(肩部训练)。Work out则可以当动词使用。

This workout can help improve the strength of the core muscles.这套训练可以增强你核心肌肉的力量。He works out regularly at the gym.他经常去健身房锻炼。锻炼还可以说exercise,健身可以用fitness表达,健美则是bodybuilding。练肌肉,一般会用build这个动词,如build muscle或muscle building。

Ripped如果一个人的肌肉很发达,你就可以说他是ripped。Through his slightly-too-tight shirt you could see he was ripped.透过他微微有点紧身的衬衫,你能看出他的一身腱子肉。

Shape / fit形容身材是否走样,可以用in good/poor shape,保持身材则是keep fit。Well, I am a bit out of shape. I'm thinking about working out to keep fit.那个,我身体有点走形了,我在考虑做点运动来保持体型。

Tone / sculpt / build这几个动词可以用来描述塑形、练肌肉。Tone在这里指保持健美的状态(give a healthy state to);sculpt更倾向于形状的塑造。The 5-minute workout can tone your butt and thighs.这套5分钟的运动可以锻炼你的臀部和大腿。Your arms look tight, toned and firmly sculpted.你的手臂紧实、健美又有型。Muscle is harder to build and maintain as we age.年龄越大,肌肉就越难练。

Six-pack abs指六块腹肌,“块”用pack来表示,abs为abdominal muscles的缩写。Every star wants a six pack and killer abs to sizzle on screen.明星们都想拥有燃爆银幕的极品六块腹肌。*Killer在这里有“极好的,引人注意的”意思,也可以形容女性有killer body(极品身材)。

Firm / hard / tight这几个词可以形容肌肉紧实,firm和tighten还可以用作动词,“使(肌肉)变紧实”。Plank will give you rock hard abs.平板支撑帮你练出坚实的腹肌。

Burn / torch / shed除了lose weight,燃脂、减肥还可以用这几个“高级”词。It's time to shed a bit of winter's insulation body fat before you hit the waves.是时候甩掉冬天藏在衣服里的赘肉了,要不然怎么去海滩。

Cardio / aerobic [eə'rəʊbɪk] exercise / strength training健身一般分为有氧运动(cardio/aerobic exercise)和力量训练(strength training)前者指强度低持续性久的运动,如长跑,其目的是全面改善健康(improving all elements of fitness);后者指强度高持续性短的运动,如哑铃健身,主要目的在于塑形(bodybuilding)。

Metabolism [mɛ'tæbəlɪzəm]加快新陈代谢我们可以用boost/increase metabolism来表达。Eating a diet rich in lean proteins will increase your metabolism because it takes more energy for your body to digest the protein.富含精益蛋白质的饮食可加快新陈代谢,因为消耗蛋白质需要更多能量。

看到这里,你还想做一个couch potato(沙发土豆)吗?赶快运动起来吧!

