


1. 由“...as 形容词 as...”或“...as 形容词 名词 as...”构成。    My 80-year-old grandpa is as energetic as a young man.   

I tried to find as much information as I could about the earthquake.   

2. 由“...not so (as) 形容词 as...”或“...not so (as) 形容词 名 词 as...”构成。   

Luckily the weather was not so wet as it is today.



1. 为了避免重复, 常用the one代替单数可数名词, the ones, those 代替复数名词, that 代替单数或不可数名词。   

2. 当比较对象属于同一范围时,需使用other来排除自身,否则会造成与自身相比较的矛盾。   

Canada is larger than any other country in North America.   

3. “no 形容词的比较级 than”结构表达对两者均否定。   

Don't be proud so early. You are no better than me.   

4. 比较级前面可以用even, still, yet , any, much, a little, a lot, by far等修饰语用以加强语气或表示比较程度。To tell you the truth, my boyfriend is much older than me.
