Dependvi.依靠, 依赖[dɪˈpend]depend onv.依靠, 依赖

disciplinen.纪律, 学科 v.训练[ˈdɪsɪplɪn]surveyn.测量, 调查, 视察 v.调查, 勘定, 审视[sɜː'veɪ]interviewvt.接见, 会见 n.接见, 会见[ˈɪntəvjuː]plainn.平原, 草原 adj.简单的 adv.清楚地 n.无格式[pleɪn]plain clothes便衣,便服

carry outv.完成, 实现, 贯彻, 执行

gatekeepern. 看门人['geɪtˌkiːpə]suitv.合适, 适合, 相配, 合式, 适宜于 n.一套衣服[suːt]attendantn.服务员[ə'tendənt]take offv.拿掉, 取消, 脱衣, 起飞, 复制[teɪk//ˈɒf]entervt.进入,参加, 登录 vi.进去, 参加 n.输入, 回车['entə]kneen.膝, 膝盖[niː]occasionn.场合, 时机, 机会[əˈkeɪʒən]correctlyadv.恰当地, 正确地

textn.正文, 原文, 课文, 课本[tekst]reasonn.理由, 原因, 动机, 理智 v.说服, 推论[ˈriːz(ə)n]firefightern. 消防队员

heatn.热烈, 高潮, 压力 v.加热, 发怒[hiːt]ceilingn.天花板, 最高限度[ˈsiːlɪŋ]soldiern.士兵, 军人['səʊldʒə]officialn.官员, 公务员 adj.职务上的, 官方的, 正式的[əˈfɪʃ(ə)l]airportn.<主美>小型民用机场, 私人飞机降落场['eəpɔːt]officern.政府官员, 军官, 警官, 船长 vt.指挥[ˈɒfɪsə]patientn.病人, 患者 adj.忍耐的, 耐心的['peɪʃənt]spreadn.伸展, 展开, 传播 v.伸展, 展开,散布[spred]dailyadj.每日的, 日常的 adv.每日, 日常地 n.日报[ˈdeɪli]opinionn.意见, 看法, 主张, 判断, 评价[əˈpɪnjən]in one's opinion在某人看来

greatlyadv.很, 非常

northernadj.北方的, 北部的['nɔːðən]casualadj.偶然的, 不经意的, 临时的[ˈkæʒʊəl]beautifullyadv.美好地, 漂亮地

bootn.<美> (长统)靴, 靴子 v.导入[buːt]as well asadv.也, 又

similaradj.相似的, 类似的[ˈsɪmɪlə]dressingn.穿衣, 装饰, 敷裹, 敷料, 调味品

03 Unit8 Topic2知识梳理


1. look ugly on sb. 穿在某人身上很丑

2. not really 不完全是

3. depend on 依靠,取决于

4. It’s true that… 事实是……

5. show good discipline 展示好的纪律

6. plain clothes 便衣,便服

7. carry out 执行,实施

8. stop/keep/prevent sb,/sth. from doing sth.


9. take off 脱下;起飞

10. on every occasion 在每个场合

11. dress sb. 给某人穿衣服

dress oneself 给自己穿衣服

dress in 颜色/衣服

12. for different reasons 因为不同的原因

13. have a car accident 发生车祸

14. get help from sb. 从某人获得帮助

15. in one’s daily/everyday life 在某人日常生活中

16. in one’s opinion/idea/view 以某人观点.

17. casual clothes 休闲服,非正式衣服

18. the same as 和……一样

be similar to… 与……相似

19. as well as 和……一样好;除……之外;也;还

20. be suitable/fit for 适合……

仁爱英语八年级下册unit8 topic2(仁爱版八年级英语下册unit8)(1)


1. correct adj.正确的

correctly adv.

2. office n.办公室

officer n.警官,军官

official n.官员,高级职员


3. daily adj. 日常的



4. great adj.伟大的,极好的

greatly adv.非常,很,大大的

5. beauty n.美丽,美人,美好的东西

beautiful adj.美丽的,漂亮的

beautifully adv.漂亮地,美好地

6. dress v.穿衣


dressing n.穿戴,穿衣


1. It depends on who will design our clothes.


2. It’s true that suitable uniforms can show good discipline.


3. It’s important to wear suitable clothes on every occasion.


4. People wear uniforms for different reasons.


5. What people wear depends on their likes and dislikes.


6. People in cities around the world wear quite similar clothes.




仁爱英语八年级下册unit8 topic2(仁爱版八年级英语下册unit8)(2)

关键词:measure测量; ruler尺子; advise劝告


Once there was a man from Zheng State. One day, he wanted to buy a pair of shoes. So he took out a ruler and measured the size of his shoes. Then he went to the market. When he came into a shoe shop and wanted to buy shoes, he suddenly shouted, “Oh, I forgot to take my ruler. I have to go back to get my ruler. ” Then he ran away. The shopkeeper shouted, “Wait, please! You can try them on yourself. ” “No!” The man kept on running. When he got the ruler and went back to the shoe shop again, the shop was already closed.

