我们今天分享的表达是“这山望着那山高”,有人直接翻译成“This mountain looks higher than that one”. 这是Chinglish,中国式英语。准确的表达是什么呢?一起来看一下


She thinks she can sing really well

- Guys, do you think I should try that singing contest? I’m so tired of this office job. My friend became a singer and her life is amazing! I bet she never gets bored.

- You cannot possibly want to leave your job because you think you can become a singer.

The grass is always greener on the other side.

This job brings security and you get to work with us.

- Yeah, and we get to hear you sing every day.


The grass is always greener on the other side = 这山望着那山高

“The grass is always greener on the other side”.(总是觉得别人的处境好)邻家的草分外青;这山望着那山高


Mark is always changing his job because the grass always looks greener to him on the other side of fence/hill.


Discussion Questions:

1) When have you thought “the grass is always greener on the other side”? Chose a school? Maybe when you bought a house? Accepted a job?

2) Why do we always think “the grass is always greener on the other side”? Is this human nature or can we be satisfied with what we have?

1) To be tired of something = 好烦,烦人

to fed up with 强一点

to be sick of 再强一点

例句: I’m tired of doing calculus homework, I don’t understand anything in that class.

例句: (Mom to dad) I’m fed up with John! All he does all day is play games on his phone!

例句: I’m sick you always lying to me! We’re breaking up!

Discussion Questions:

Is there anything that you’re tired of doing at work? What tasks or errands are you tired of doing?

2) to bet

To bet # 1 Meaning = 赌博

To bet # 2 Meaning = 一定, 肯定

例句: I bet my favorite soccer team is going to win tomorrow

They’ll surely win

They’ll definitely win

More formal:

They are certain to win

例句: I bet you’ll get the highest score on the English test!

Pipe dream = 幻想

This person has a pipe dream, have you had a pipe dream? What was it?

这是一座高山的英语 这山望着那山高(1)

这是一座高山的英语 这山望着那山高(2)

这是一座高山的英语 这山望着那山高(3)
