英语bear in mind,你用英语还是中文记它?


关于bear的英语单词有哪些 英语bearinmind(1)

1) 读到下面出现的英语bear in mind,你大脑里出现的是中文,还是英语?

1. Good luck in your new job in New York City! Bear us in mind when you hit the big time!

2. Regulators can be very struct about details, so bear that in mind when you're filling out the application.

3. Before you ask for a raise(in your salary), bear in mind that the company isn't doing well financially right now.

4. Bearing in mind that I can't walk as fast as you.

关于bear的英语单词有哪些 英语bearinmind(2)

2) 当你习惯于把上面的英语bear in mind一句不拉地全部“变成”中文“切记,牢记”时,我们却把学过的英语用起来做英语遣词造句能力训练(谁说能这么开口说英语不同样是英语口语训练?)

1. Okay.I see/I got you.When you say:You besr something or somebody in mind,you mean Yoy will remember it or remember them,you will not forget them.

2. So To bear something or somebody in mind means To remember it,or not to forget it,or to comit it to memory.

关于bear的英语单词有哪些 英语bearinmind(3)

3) 现在轮到你把下面的bear in mind说成英语:

1. We’ll bear you in mind if a job becomes available.

2. I’ll besr/keep your advice in mind.

最后,不要奢望今天用中文学会了英语bear in mind,明天就能用上这句英语:你基本没有用这句英语的语言环境和机会!

