


阿卜杜卡赫·科西莫夫(Abdukakhor Sattorovich Kosimov),诗人、词曲作者、记者、公众人物,1965年1月27日出生于塔吉克斯坦瓦赫什地区的库比雪夫国营农场的一个铁匠家庭。他被授予以下称号:“塔吉克斯坦共和国教育和科学卓越奖”、“塔吉克斯坦共和国文化卓越奖”、印度奥迪莎拯救基金会“国际创意人格奖”、印度尼西亚荣誉和平大使。他的作品已被翻译成20余种语言。他是塔吉克斯坦报纸《Khidoyat》的主编;欧亚人民大会文学委员会副主席,世界诗歌运动塔吉克斯坦协调员;意大利世界和平与自由诗人联盟协调员;西班牙国际作家和艺术家协会国际文化大使;中国文学杂志《诗集》顾问兼副主编;塔吉克斯坦联邦记者国际联盟、俄罗斯文学学院、俄罗斯文学院、国际作家联盟、哈萨克斯坦人民外交国际精英联盟成员,文学、艺术、传播学院(LIK)正式成员。

Abdukakhor Kosim (Abdukakhor Sattorovich Kosimov), poet, songwriter, journalist, publicist, who was born on January 27, 1965 in the Kuibyshev state farm of the Vakhsh region of Tajikistan into the family of a blacksmith. He was awarded the following titles: “Excellence in Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan”, “Excellence in Culture of the Republic of Tajikistan”, “International Creative Personality” - Odisha Saving Foundation - India, Honorary Ambassador of Peace, International Declarator - Indonesia. His works have been translated into 20 languages.

He is editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Khidoyat" of Tajikistan; co-chairman of the Literary Council of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, national coordinator of the World Poetic Movement , Colombia; coordinator of the World Union of Poets for Peace and Freedom (UMPPL), Italy; international ambassador for Culture - International Chamber of Writers and Artists (CIESART), Spain; Advisor and Deputy Editor, Chinese Literary Magazines , Poetry Collection; Member of the International Union of Confederation Journalists in Tajikistan, the Academy of Russian Literature, the Academy of Russian Literature, the International Union of Writers, the International Elite Union of People's Diplomacy MESND-Kazakhstan, a full member of the Academy of Literature, Art, Communication (LIK).




[中国]曹谁 译



Let The Silk Road Poetry Festival Pave The Way To The Hearts Of People All Over The World!

Congratulation of Abdukakhor Kosim


Hello, dear friends. I am Abdukakhor Kosim, poet, co-chairman of the Literary Council of the Assembly of Peoples of Eurasia. I heartily congratulate my Chinese colleagues on the opening of the First International Spring Poetry Festival "Silk Road"! Poets as cultural diplomats make a huge contribution to the harmonization of society. The Great Silk Road once connected East and West. So let the Silk Road Poetry Festival pave the way to the hearts of people all over the world! Good wishes from Tajikistan!
