

1, 同位语从句的名词:

Belief信念,doubt 怀疑,explanation 解释,hope希望,idea主意,news 消息,

opinion 观点,possibility 可能性,statement 论断,thought想法,wish 愿望,truth 事实,

fact 事实,question 问题,promise 诺言,problem问题,reply答复,report报道,

suggestion建议,advice 建议,fear害怕,warning 警告,feeling 感觉,rumor谣言,


2, 同位语的引导词很多,并且不能省略,最常见连接词,whether,that,

I don't know why he can speak English 我不知道为什么他能说英语。

There is some doubt whether he can speak English 对于他是否能说英语是持怀疑态度的

3, that 引导的从句

I have a feeling that he can be successful someday 我有种感觉,他能在某天成功

4, 同位语从句遇见,order,命令,demand 要求,request 要求,等词时,通常跟着虚拟语气

I have an order that you must hand in your homework tomorrow 我的命令是你必须在明天交作业。
