

Most mainland professionals today recognize how important strong soft skills are for their career advancement into management roles in a global company. Still, the main challenge is figuring out how to develop them. Significantly improving your soft skills is a lot easier said than done.


Measured By How Strong They’re Viewed By Others


To begin with, soft skills aren’t simply measured or displayed through your knowledge of some topic. Instead, they’re demonstrated to varying degrees of effectiveness. So where you receive certifications for your accounting or engineering abilities, no such certificates exist for initiative, team-orientation, or professionalism. How much you possess these qualities depends entirely on the degree to which they’re seen and acknowledged by others.


For example, you’re seen as someone who has a strong or not very strong team orientation, or who demonstrates it to some degree in between. You come across to others as being highly professional, somewhat professional, or not very professional at all. Or if your boss or colleagues don’t view you as being an effective communicator, then no matter what you may think personally, you’re not a very effective communicator.


They Require A Good Approach And Lots Of Practice To Improve


Strong soft skills also don’t come about overnight. There are really no quick solutions to acquiring them, such as by attending a workshop or reading a book on the subject. Rather, they require you to make fundamental changes to your mindset and way you approach and respond to situations. They involve good habits that are only developed through ongoing practice until those habits become a part of your behavior. For most, they involve a process that takes a good amount of time to happen.


So if you want to improve your problem-solving abilities, then you need to identify good techniques for doing that well and then apply them to the problem-solving situations you encounter. Similarly, to become a more effective communicator, you need to identify good communication habits and then practice them in the communication situations you’re a part of. Through the continuous process of using proven techniques and habits your capabilities in these areas will gradually improve.


Identify The Essence To Doing Them Better


In our career development workshops, we emphasize a key word to help participants develop those soft skills critical for their success. The word is essence. When applied to a situation, it refers to the key factors that define that situation. When talking about a person, it refers to those most fundamental characteristics or qualities that describe that person.


Similarly, improving in a particular soft skill is tied closely to an understanding of the essence, or essential behavior or characteristics, behind what that soft skill is rooted in. For instance, what’s the essence to becoming a good coach or to developing a big picture perspective?


If talking about the essence to becoming a good coach, I would identify the importance of being someone who enjoys helping others be successful. Without this basic orientation, it’s difficult to imagine anyone becoming a really strong coach. For the essence to gaining a big picture perspective, I’d say that it’s rooted in being fundamentally curious and always wanting to understand why. With such a mindset and orientation, you’ll definitely develop a deeper understanding and sense of the situations you encounter. As a result, by identifying the essence behind a soft skill, you’ll be able to better identify what’s most important for you to do to improve it.

如果你想了解更多关于:如何后天培养你的软技能?欢迎来参加Larry Wang即将举办的线上课程【成功解锁职场必备软技能】,现在报名即可享受特别折扣!识别图中二维码,即可查看课程详情。期待你的报名!

If you want to learn how to develop key soft skills from your daily work situation, you can join Larry Wang’s upcoming online course on, How To Develop Key Soft Skills For Your Current & Future Success. Sign up now and receive our special discount price for this course!

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