


The Esperanto alphabet consists of 28 letters: a, b, c, ĉ, d, e, f, g, ĝ, h, ĥ, i, j, ĵ, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, ŝ, t, u, ŭ, v, z.


Note the following differences from English(请注意以下与英语的区别):



Words are pronounced exactly as spelled, applying the equivalents mentioned above, e.g. 世界语的发音是印欧语系中最规则的。单词发音的字母发音完全相同,怎么拼写就怎么读。除了极少数的例外,非常接近拉丁语、意大利语、西班牙语的发音。


Words of more than one syllable are stressed on the last syllable but one, e.g.在有2个或以上音节的单词中,单词重音总在倒数第二个音节。下面例子中标注为大写的就是重读音节。

Be careful over words like historio (hi-sto-RI-o, hee-stoh-REE-oh).


The definite article is la (– *the). 世界语没有不定冠词,只一个定冠词la。

It is invariable (no change for gender, case or number). There is no indefinite article:

Personal Pronouns(人称代词)

The pronouns li, ŝi, ĝi are used in just the same way as English "he, she, it".世界语人称代词li, ŝi, ĝi 和英语中的he,she,it是相同的。

Possessive Pronouns(所有格代词,也就是说中国英语教材中常说的物主代词)

These are formed by adding the ending a to the simple pronouns:在人称代词的基础上加-a。事实上-a是统一的形容词后缀。



All nouns end in -O. 世界语名词使用统一的后缀-o。

There is no grammatical gender: where appropriate, feminine sex is indicated by a suffix.


The plural ending is j. 世界语名词和形容词加j构成复数。

Both nouns and adjectives take this ending, e.g.:


1. The infinitive ending is -i, e.g. 动词不定式使用统一的后缀-i。

o lerni – to learn

o labori – to work

o esti – to be.

2. The present tense ending is -as. 在词根后加上-as构成现在式。没有人称和数的变化。It is the same for all persons and numbers:

o mi sidas – I sit

o vi sidas – you sit

o ni sidas – we sit

o ili sidas – they sit.

Ĉu? (疑问小品词,构成一般疑问句)

This is an interrogative particle, used to turn a statement into a yes/no question:

Kiu? (相当于英语中的who和which的疑问词)

This interrogative functions both as a pronoun ("who?") and as an adjective ("which?"), e.g.

The Suffix –ist (后缀-ist,描述经常从事某种有规律活动的人,如老师)

is used to form the name of a person regularly engaged in some activity, e.g.

The Suffix –in (构成阴性词的后缀-in)

is used to form the feminine of a noun:

Affirmative Particle(表肯定的小品词)

jes has the same sound and meaning as the English "yes".世界语的jes相当于英语中的yes,德语中的ja.

Negative Particle(否定小品词)

ne corresponds to "no" (opposite of "yes") and to "not":世界语中的ne,对应英语中的not。
