1.我将会一身干净 成绩优异 前程似锦 未来可期.

I will have a clean body, excellent performance, promising future and promising future.


2.以后祝福别人要说愿你被这个世界温柔以待 躲不过的惊吓都只是一场虚惊 收到的欢喜从无空喜.

The joy received is never empty


3.所爱隔山海 山海不可平 还有舟可渡 山有路可行

I love mountains, mountains, seas, oceans, boats, mountains and roads


4.未知全貌不予评论 不要因为流言蜚语去否定一个人

I think the most correct sentence of the Three Outlooks: don't comment on the whole unknown,

don't deny a person because of gossip


5.渔夫每次出海都不知道鱼在哪里 可是他们还是选择了出发 因为他们相信自己-定满载而归.

Fishermen don't know where the fish are every time they go out to sea, but they choose to start

because they believe they must return with full load

