Hey guys, I'm Megan Trainor and this is The Playlist of My Life. He Lives In You, The Lion King.,我来为大家科普一下关于live aid queen 歌单?以下内容希望对你有帮助!

live aid queen 歌单(梅根特瑞娜的歌单)

live aid queen 歌单

Hey guys, I'm Megan Trainor and this is The Playlist of My Life. He Lives In You, The Lion King.

嘿,朋友们,我是梅根·特雷纳,这是我生命中的播放列表。《狮子王》的“He Lives In You”。

It's in the older movie The Lion King and it is a beautiful song that he sings to his dad and it reminds me of my love for my dad. It's a good daughter/father or any kind of father song, it's great.


I love the songwriting in this song and the harmonies, I live for harmonies, and I also love the amazing choir. It feels timeless.


Like, you can play it whenever and it's like, "Oh wow, this is a big, powerful, like, love song." You'll Be In My Heart by Phil Collins.

每次你播放的时候都会感觉:哇哦,好宏宏大,好有力量,我喜欢这首歌。Phil Collins 的“You'll Be In My Heart”。

Obviously, I like movie soundtracks. Love The Lion King, love Tarzan, those are my top two.


The melody is one of a kind because, for me, it tears my heart out of my body and throws it away 'cause it's like, it's like it's so good it hurts, you know? It travels so much in the perfect way.


This song changes keys. I tried to, like, do a fun little cover of it one day.


It's very hard. Changes multiple keys.


Never obnoxious, it's like it was always meant to be that melody. Dancing Queen by ABBA.

永远不会让人觉得难听,感觉就应该是那样的旋律。ABBA 的“Dancing Queen”。

Dancing Queen is one of the greatest songs ever written. It makes you feel fun, feel happy, feel loved, and it just feels really good.

“Dancing Queen”是有史以来最棒的歌曲之一。它让你感到有趣,感到快乐,感到被爱,感觉非常好。

I think the piano line that's very famous. Ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum.

我觉得这首歌的钢琴是很有名的。Ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum。

So catchy, it's something everyone can sing. It makes everyone come out of their shell and it brings us all together like how music does.


This is that, a perfect example of a song that does that, Dancing Queen. Like A Prayer by Madonna.

“Dancing Queen”就是一个完美的范例。麦当娜的“Like A Prayer”。

My mom showed me a lot of these songs, as you could tell. It's the best song to sing in a car and to dance to and there's a beautiful choir in it.


It made me realize, "Oh, I want a choir in every song I ever write ever." The arrangement is perfect, the melodies are out of this world.


It's, like, very poetic, it's like, "I pray for you. You're like a prayer, I'll take you there.


You're a dream to me. You can't say that stuff anymore.


Now it's just cheese, cheesy, I call it cheese. But this, this song was perfect, still is.


Let's Groove Tonight by Earth, Wind & Fire. Let's groove tonight, dun-dun-dun-dun, share the spice of life, hey, ba-ba-ba-ba, okay.

地风火的“Let's Groove Tonight”。让我们伴着音乐跳舞,分享生活的情趣。

Best bass line ever written, question mark? Also, greatest band ever, question mark?


Still killin' it to this day, exclamation point! 'Cause I saw them live and they were just so good.


I mean, what person in this entire world doesn't know dun dun-dun-dun-dun dow-dun-dow? When you start a song, my uncle was like, "Hook 'em in the first five seconds, get their attention."

这个世界上有谁会不知道:dun dun-dun-dun-dun dow-dun-dow呢?在唱歌方面我叔叔说过:“在前五秒钟吸引住他们,引起他们的注意。”

This is a perfect example of a song that's like, "We're gonna start and we're gonna grab you and we're gonna "make you fall in love with this right away." That's, like, what you want in a song as a songwriter.


And they nailed it. Lucky by Britney Spears.


Yeah. I love her, I love everything she's ever done ever.


And this song, I relate to, especially nowadays. If you listen to the lyrics.


Everybody gets sad at some point, it's okay to feel sad. That's why I love this song, 'cause it's so relatable and it's real and that's that Britney I love.


Too Little Too Late by JoJo. Fun fact, this was my ringtone for a very long time.

JoJo 的“Too Little Too Late”。有趣的是,在很长一段时间内,这都是我的铃声。

This song, uh, has my favorite melodies ever, my favorite singer ever, JoJo. Her voice is incredible.

这首歌的旋律是我最喜欢的,歌手也是我最喜欢的 JoJo。她的声音非常令人震撼。

All those tough years, like middle school and the uncomfortable phase was, was me listening to a lot of JoJo. Didn't know that was in there.

那些艰难的时光,比如说中学和令人不适的阶段我都在听 JoJo 的歌。不知道已经在了。

We do not wanna know. You can keep that if you want, that's fine.


Too Little Too Late is one of those songs that I really can't get over, like, how did I not write this song? Like, I wish, I wish I was this talented that I could write a song like Too Little Too Late.

“Too Little Too Late” 这首歌会让我觉得:为什么我没写出这首歌呢?我喜欢自己有天赋可以写出来“Too Little Too Late”这种歌曲。

If you really listen to this song, lyrically it's perfect, the melodies are haunting, they haunt me to this day. Like, ah, you're pulling me back in.


Every day, I try to write songs as good as this and I can't 'cause it's so good. May I Have This Dance by Francis and the Lights featuring Chance the Rapper.

每天我都在尝试写出这样的歌曲,但是我写不出来,因为这首歌太棒了。Francis and the Lights 给 Chance the Rapper 伴奏的“May I Have This Dance”。

May I have this dance? Can I say something crazy? I love you.


And I love, I love a song that's, like, a simple lyric that is so beyond that it's really clever, it's really clever. Can I say something crazy, I love you, that's how we talk.


What? How romantic, we don't have enough of that nowadays.


I mean, my husband's the most romantic guy out there, but young men, gentlemen, figure it out, like, be romantic, bring that back, you will get anyone you want. I bet Francis is a really good guy.

我的丈夫是最浪漫的人,但是年轻的绅士们啊,弄弄清楚吧,要浪漫一点,你就可以抱得美人归了。Francis 非常好。

And I know Chance is, so. And I can hear it in the song and that's really cool when you're a songwriter and you can show that in your music.

Chance 也很好。我可以从歌曲中听出来,这一点很酷,作为一个作曲者,你可以通过音乐来表现出来。

Thanks for watching me get through this. I'm sorry if I messed the spelling up but we did good, it looks great, thank you for watching.


Make sure you check out some of these songs. They'll change your life forever.


I love you, yeah, thanks.

