

1.Miss Smith is a friend of _____ .

A.Mary's mother's B.Mary's mother

C.Mother's of Mary D.Mary Mother's


I believe you are a particular of Pickwick,the defendant, are you not?(Dickens,Pickwick Papers)

His first serious staff tussle was with H.G.Wells,a friend of North cliffe in his youth,who had been given charge of the German department.(John O's London's weekly,March 7,1952, P.219)

a friend of +名词与a friend of +名词的所有格是英语中两个形式相似而含义不同的结构。下面是P.A.Erdes的《现代英语句法问题集》中的两个例句:

He is a friend of my father.

He is a friend of my father's.P.A Erdes认为第一句是指“朋友与父亲的关系”,强调he对my father的交情,意指He is friendly to my father.(他跟我父亲要好);第二句则表示“父亲与朋友的关系”,强调my father对he的交情,意指My father has a friend in him.(我父亲把他当作朋友)。


A:Who told you that?(这是谁告诉你的?)

B:A friend of your father's.(你父亲的一个朋友。)

A:If he says such things,he is not a friend of my father, whoever he may be.(要是他这么说,他对我父亲就不够朋友,不管他是谁。)

本题选A意为Mary's mother has a friend in Miss Smith;选B则意为Miss Smith is friendly to Mary's mother.可见答案A和B仅有含义之别,并无优劣之分,因此B也是正确的答案。

如果说a friend of +代词就不会产生歧义。代词只能用名词性物主代词,而不能用人称代词的宾格或形容词性物主代词。如Mary had been a good friend of mine.而a friend of me /you /him /her/our /your/their等则是错误的。

2.The doctor will be free _____ .

A.10minutes later B.after 10minutes

C.in ten minutes D.10minutes after


(1)费致德先生在《现代英语惯用法词典》中明确指出: later用在一般的具体时间之后。例如:

I shall call you three weeks later.

(2)You're going to give in,keep silent,while the California Assembly passes the 35th[Amendment]tomorrow and the California Senate ratifies it three days later.(Irving Wallace[Am.] 1976)(《现代英语惯用法实例词典》萧凤歧著)

(3)《现代英语惯用法词典》(徐达山、王福祯主编)认为 later不可用于说明从现在时间算起的若干时间以后。但若不是从现在时间算起,则可。例如:

I shall call him on 20October,and shall call again a week later.我将在10月20日打电话给他,过一周后再打个电话给他。

综上所述,later与时间段名词连用时可用于一般将来时、一般过去时和一般现在时,意为“……以后”。从题干上我们无法确定从何时算起。因此选项A、C都对。The doctor will be free in 10minutes.表示从现在时间算起,The doctor will be free 10minutes later.则从将来时间算起。

3.Great men never give up _____ difficulty.

A.in face of B.in face of the

C.n the face of D.in the face of the

评析:正确答案是C。实际上,答案A也对。即in face of=in the face of。请看下面的例证。

(1)in(the)face of面对着,在(危险困难的)情况下,在……的危险面前,例如:She showed great bravery in face of danger.(Eckersley)(《现代英语用法词典》,张道真著)

(2)in(the)face of意为“面临,不管”,常指危险困难的情况。(《现代英语惯用法词典》,徐达山、王福祯主编)

in(the)face of“……面前,正对着……;当着……的面”《综合英语成语词典》(厦门大学外文系编)

(3)《英语常用短语词典》(商务印书馆)也有“in(the) face of”短语。并有以下例句:He never showed any fear in face of danger.在危险面前他从不畏惧。

In primitive times,nature appeared to be a mysterious and formidable force and men found themselves powerless in the face of it.在原始时代,大自然好象是一种神秘可怕的力量,人们在它面前显得无能为力。

4.Although he is considered a great writer,_____ .

A.his works are not widely read.

B.But his works are not widely read.

C.However his works are not widely read.

D.still his works are not widely read.

评析:所给答案是A,但选项D也不错。即although可与 still连用。

钱歌川先生在《英文疑难详解》中指出:although和 though是不能和but同用的,但为emphasis起见,更多可用 yet(或still,nevertheless)的字样,当然不加用这些字是最普遍的句式。




Though he were to beg favor of them,they should still refuse.即使他向他们求情,他们还是不肯答应。(胡雄定编《英语一千常用单词用法详解》)

Though the pain was bad,still he did not complain.(虽然他病得厉害,可是并不呻吟。(雷馨编《英语分类句型》)

Although he was ill,yet/still/nevertheless he managed to look cheerful.(章振邦等《新编英语语法》

Although /Though he is my brother,still I will not take his words at their face value.虽然他是我的兄弟,我还是不相信他表面上的话。(《现代英语惯用法词典》,徐达山、王福祯主编)

此外,although /though还可与yet,nevertheless连用。

Although he lives alone,yet he is happy.他虽然单独生活,但很愉快。(《现代英语惯用法词典》,徐达山、王福祯主编)

Though the workers were unhappy with some aspects of the proposed now contract,nevertheless they overwhelmingly voted in favor of it.尽管工人们对所提出的新合同的某些方面并不十分满意,但是他们还是以压倒多数的优势投票支持它。(出处同上)

5._____ we'll go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.

A.If B.Whether C.That D.Where

评析:所给答案是B,whether引导主语从句:Whether we'll go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.明天我们是否去露营取决于天气。但选D也是可以的:Where we'll go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.明天我们到什么地方去露营取决于天气。强调天气对露营地点的选择(诸如远近、地形等)起着决定作用:若天气好,我们就走远点或到山势陡峭的地方去;若天气不好,就到地势平坦的地方去。可见选D语义合情合理,语法正确,也是最佳的答案。

6._____ girl she is!

A.What bright a B.How a bright

C.How bright a D.What a bright

评析:该题所供的答案是D。答案C也是正确的,只是“How bright a girl she is!”未及“What a bright girl she is!”常见罢了。请看以下例句:How accomplished a pianist he is!他的钢琴造诣是何等高超啊!(张鑫友《英语语法难题新探》 P.483)

How handsome a boy he is!多么英俊的小伙子!(出处同上)

How strange a feeling it was!(章振邦主编《新编英语语法》)

7.I'll go and see you next_____ (星期六).



(段惠彬 原连载于《基础教育外语教学研究》2002年第9-11期)


