
文|Julia Pierrepont III


洛杉矶时间2022年1月10日上午, 新华社驻洛杉矶分社的黄社长给我发来了采访稿。



既然是针对TESS GIFT智能语音鼠标的专访,我就用它来把这篇英文稿翻译成中文,不但应景,也算是物尽其用。

Feature: Young female Chinese entrepreneur takes CES tech

show by Storm


LAS VEGAS, Jan. 7 (Xinhua) -- The 2022 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) was wrapped up here on Friday amid fast-soaring COVID-19 cases in the United States.

拉斯维加斯,1 月 7 日(新华社)——在美国迅速飙升的 COVID-19 确诊案例中,2022 年消费电子展 (CES) 于周五在这里结束。

Ran Lingyan, a Chinese woman from central China's Henan Province, was one of the young entrepreneurs who took the tech show by storm.


Held on Jan. 5-7, the CES, one of the world's premier tech shows, drew more than 2,300 exhibiting companies from around the world, including over 800 startups.

CES 于 1 月 5 日至 7 日举行,作为全球首屈一指的科技展之一,吸引了来自世界各地的 2,300 多家参展公司,其中包括 800 多家初创公司。

In a tiny booth away from the bustling hub of the central hall, the petite, attractive young businesswoman, whose English name is Tess, welcomed a continuous stream of buyers and the curious to her crowded booth, all seeking to scope out her product by Zhongshan Tess Gift Co Ltd.


For many Americans, the device seemed to be a reminiscence of Star Trek's famous "Universal translator."


"Tess Gift" is a sleek, ergonomically-designed, wireless smart mouse that can automatically transcribe whatever users say to it into text on their computers and can also instantly translate the words into 115 languages, said Ran.

“Tess Gift”是一款时尚的、符合人体工程学设计的无线智能鼠标,可以自动将用户对它说的任何内容转录成计算机上的文本,还可以立即将这些话语翻译成 115种语言,冉说道。

The gadget combines voice activation, voice recognition, voice-to-text transcription, language-to-language translation, and many more practical features, Ran added.


Ran told Xinhua that she had seen countless office workers and government employees struggling to do business and communicate in a global marketplace where different languages and dialects are spoken, with no easy or affordable way to bridge the gap. So she wanted to produce a device to help.


"Whether Steve Jobs or me, all entrepreneurs share the same dream: to build something new and special, to create opportunity and wealth, to leave something behind them that might make a difference or even change the world. Right?" Ran said.


Born into a poor family, she said she dreamed of starting her own company and becoming wealthy and independent.


Once she identified the glaring need to facilitate business communication and productivity, she formed her idea and set about figuring out how to invent it.


She found out what she would need to build the product, drew up a comprehensive bill of materials, hired programmers, and obtained international software and AI technology licenses, Ran said.


"I worked hard for years and saved my money and invested it in myself," said Ran, who had worked in the field of import and export for 14 years. "This mouse can help everyone. People are buried in too much paperwork, it takes too long and causes health problems with the carpal tunnel in their hands from too much typing. Now your mouth can do the paperwork for you."


She learned by trial and error how to launch and grow a business and started sharing what she knew with others online.


Despite her long work hours, she said she still finds time to lend a hand, share insights and make new friends. She had even written a business-oriented novel in her "spare time."


"For me, business is not work. It's my life. It's what I love," she said, expressing her thanks to and love for her parents and twin son and daughter.


"When I have to travel for business, they understand I am building a future for us," she said. "My mother can't decide if I am crazy or a star. But she is proud I did this on my own. In the end, you must depend on yourself and your own abilities and commitment to succeed."

“当我为工作必须出差的时候,家人是理解我的,他们明白,我正在为家人构建一个美好的未来。”她说道, “我的母亲认为无法评判我到底是个疯子还是个明星,但她仍然为我所作的一切感到自豪。最后,我想说的是,你必须依靠自己、自己的能力,以及对客户的承诺才能成功。”

After testing her invention in 60 countries and regions and making several updates and improvements, she said the time was ripe. So she made the decision to attend this year's CES in person.

TESS GIFT智能语音鼠标在 60 个国家和地区测试并进行多次更新和改进后,把产品推向市场的时机已经成熟。所以她决定亲自参加今年的CES。

"CES is a perfect match for my product. I had to be there. When you come in person, people can see your product with their own eyes and try it for themselves. Then naturally, when they see it's good, they buy," she smiled, revealing that several large, potential clients approached her at the show to discuss volume deals.

“CES与我的产品完美匹配,我必须在那里。当你在现场后,人们可以亲眼看到你的产品并试用。然后自然而然地,当他们觉得它很好时就会购买。” 说到这里,她笑了,并透露有几位潜在的大客户已经在展会上找她商谈订单的具体数量。

"I found a huge market here," Ran said after the three-day event. "I will come back next year."










