The people of Churchill love the polar bears. They feel honoured to have the bears come through their town.


And the polar bears help the people of Churchill. When visitors come, the town's people can make money.


That's right. The visitors pay money to eat, sleep, and spend time in the town. And they pay money to take vehicles out onto the ice.


When they are on the ice, polar bears will come to say hello. They smell the vehicles and look at the people.


Guides make sure that both the people and the polar bears remain safe. But, rising temperatures are starting to threaten the lives of the polar bears.


Because of warmer temperatures, the water is frozen for a shorter amount of time each year. The polar bears must spend more time on land.


They do not have as much time to hunt in the winter. Some polar bears try to remain on melting ice.



When the ice melts they are too far away from land. And they drown. Other polar bears are starting to trouble the people of churchill.


The bears are hungry. So, they go into the town looking for food. Sometimes the bears act aggressively. They attack.


The People of Churchill are worried."You know, the earth is warming. And so there are some dangers in climate change... The bears, for instance, how will they survive...?"


I am worried. Because the bears are the lives of a lot of people in this town. We love this place. We learn to live with what is happening.


Except for this warm weather! We just do not understand what the heck is going on!


And really I believe it is the big cities down south causing the warmer weather.

