


jacket n.[C]上衣,夹克:How much is the jacket? 这件上衣多少钱?

jam n. [U]果酱 [C]阻塞v.挤进;夹住,阻塞:a traffic jam 交通阻塞

jar n.[C]罐子,广口瓶子:a jar of oil 一罐

jaw n.颌;下颚:Tyson punched his opponent on the jaw.泰森猛击对手下颚。

jazz n.爵士乐。a jazz band 爵士乐队。

jeans n.牛仔裤。

jeep n.吉普(车)。

jewel(l)ery n.珠宝,首饰:a piece of jewellery一件首饰。

job n.[C]工作:He’s been out of a job for months. 他已失业几个月了。

join v.加入,参加;连接,联合:He joined the Party in 1947. 他于1947年入党。/ He’ll join us in singing the song. 他将同我们一起唱歌。/ Join this pipe to the other. 把这根管子与那根连接起来。

joke n.[C]笑话 v.开玩笑:War is no joke. 战争不是闹着玩的。/ Let’s play a joke on him. 我们来开他个玩笑。/ He is only joking. 他只不过是开玩笑。

journalist n.新闻工作者;新闻记者。徐宜斌老师编

journey n.[C]旅行,路程:Have a pleasant journey! 祝旅途愉快!

joy n. [U]欢乐,高兴 [C]令人快乐的人(事):He jumped for [with] joy. 他高兴得跳了起来。/ To my joy, I succeeded at last. 使我高兴的是我最后成功了。

judge n.[C]法官,裁判员 v.判断,断定:Don’t judge by [from] appearances. 不要从外表来下判断。/ Judging from [by] what he said, he must be a cheat. 从他说的话来看,他一定是个骗子。

judg(e)ment n.意见,看法,判断,评价:In my judgement, we should accept its offer.依我看,我们应该接受他的建议。

juice n.[C,U]汁,果汁:A glass of orange juice, please. 请来杯橘子汁。

jump n./v.跳,跃:He jumped over the wall and ran off.他跳墙而逃。

jungle n.热带丛林。

junior a.级别(职位)较低的:a junior doctor初级医师。

just adv.正好,恰好;刚才;仅,不过:This is just what I wanted. 这正是我所要的。

【用法】表示“刚刚”时,在英国英语中常与现在完成时连用,而在美国英语中常与一般过去时连用:He (has) just arrived. 他刚到。但与之同义的 just now 则通常只与一般过去时连用:He arrived just now.

justice n.正义,公平,公正,合理:Sometimes I wonder if there is any justice in this world.我有时真怀疑世上还有没有正义。



