


近日,《新消费造物者》专栏采访到了远在澳大利亚的「BLAIRSOM」市场营销经理 Mr.Joshua Lucisano,本次采访为英文采访,并采用中英结合的呈现形式,意在更好更准确地表达Mr.Joshua Lucisano的观点和见解,同时让大家能进一步了解「BLAIRSOM」的发展历程以及优势所在。




Mr.Joshua Lucisano





Creator:What are the reasons and happenstances for starting Blairsom?

Mr.Joshua Lucisano:

这一切始于「BLAIRSOM」的配方师汤姆。当时,汤姆发现他好朋友的女儿艾玛患有严重的头皮炎症。为了解决这个问题,艾玛的父母尝试了各种洗发水,但艾玛的头皮状况一直没有改善。汤姆决定发明一种天然的洗发水, 一种对于艾玛来说温和且可以有效地改善头皮健康状况的洗发水。而这就是「BLAIRSOM」诞生。

The main reason is from Blairsom’s formulator, Tom van Wunnik. Back in the day, he found out that his good friend’s daughter, Emma suffered from severe dermatitis condition on the scalp. In order to treat this problem, Emma’s parents tried various over the counter shampoos but no improvement to Emma’s scalp condition. Tom knew about this problem. He wanted to formulate a shampoo that is gentle for Emma, yet effective in improving the scalp health conditions. He decided on creation of a natural shampoo until the birth of BLAIRSOM.


Creator:Who are the target consumers? What is the consumption demand of them?

Mr.Joshua Lucisano:


The target market for Blairsom is aimed towards male and females aged between 22-48,those adult consumer. They currently may be experiencing various scalp concerns such as hair loss, coarse, fine, dry or damaged hair. Aiming at a target market that already use similar products in the market or patients are willing to try new products that assist with maintaining scalp health and prevention.




以“深海胶原蛋白肽 天然植物精油”



Creator:How is this concept The ideal standard for human is "natural"and "healthy"reflected in products? What are the features of Blairsom’s products? What is the main thoughts of research and development of products?

Mr.Joshua Lucisano:



The product can provide a complete hair care solution to cover all the hair related problems through the essence of marine collagen and the effectiveness of the Australian native essential oils as well as other ingredients.

Blairsom products uses the natural extraction of Australian native essential oils as well as the combination with the essence of marine collagen to battle skin and scalp conditions. The aim of this product is to restore the health of our skin and scalp through the usage of Blairsom series.


Creator:Could you please briefly introduce the product matrix of Blairsom?

Mr.Joshua Lucisano:


Blairsom Herbal Series – Shampoo, Conditioner, Body Wash.


Blairsom Herbal Refreshing Shampoo is Australia’s first marine collagen shampoo with added unique blend of Australian native essential oils that cleanses the hair follicles and provides long-lasting hydration, leaving your hair feeling refreshed and also non-greasy. The product allows you to easily cope with the challenges of dry, coarse, split ends, oily and damaged hair, giving your hair a youthful natural shine, which are all ones want.




Blairsom Herbal Repair Conditioner is Australia’s first marine collagen plus Australian native essential oils formulating hair conditioner. Designed to repair damaged hair and restore moisture to each strand of hair for increased volume and shine. Regular users of our products have seen a difference in the appearance of their hair.




Blairsom Herbal Nourishing Body Wash is Australia’s first body wash containing the essence of marine collagen as well as the goodness of Australia native essential oils. This body wash is specially formulated with moisturizing complex to penetrate the top layer of the skin where hydration is needed most. This unique formulation creates long lasting hydration, leaving your skin feeling refresh for hours.




Creator:What are the base ingredients of the products? What are the functions and advantages?

Mr.Joshua Lucisano:


Spoken about the ingredients, as of the Marine Collagen, is made of collagen peptides extracted from fish and marine animals as well, it has the most efficient absorption of all collagen types across the skin layer. Marine Collagen is environmentally friendly and also can be sourced quite sustainable. Increasing this type of collagen can help your skin look a lot firmer, increase smoothness when you touch the skin, and also help the skin cells renewing and repairing normally. Probably this is the biggest advantage of Marine collagen, which is also the advantage of the ingredients of this product. Australian native essential oils are safe and deeply cleanses the hair follicles, which obviously assists with that skin and a topic demister of condition. And leaving the skin feeling hydration, also helps with the synergy to get effective to top of ingredients together.


Creator:What are the adaptability of raw materials and the uniqueness of biological extraction technology?

Mr.Joshua Lucisano:


So, with the marine collagen, in order to be effective, it need to be hydrolyzed, means the collagen is broken down into little bits in order to be absorbed across the skin, and these tiny particles let for better absorption; and what the special extraction of Australian Native Essential Oils does to achieve this, is simulate into small molecule that you can get absorption across the skin. These formulate into our Blairsom’s products to achieve this, and by doing this enhancing the effect on our skin and scalp.




Creator:How to ensure the safety of R&D and production through supply chain management?

Mr.Joshua Lucisano:

我们的团队对各种原料的成分有着深度了解,帮助我们选取制造每种产品所适用的各种天然原料,我们坚持严格的国际制造标准,采用了独特的生物化学提取技术,首创性的把澳大利亚天然植物精油和深海胶原蛋白肽结合使用。我们坚持所有产品均使用环保的天然原料, Blairsom的三个产品就是最好的体现。

Our team does have an in-depth understanding of a wide range of ingredients that assists in determining the suitability of each product that we manufacture. So, there are nature ingredients and also a holist of available ingredients is chosen to formulate into our products. We also adhere to strict international god line in terms of manufacturing practice. We utilize unique biochemical extraction technology and are among the first to introduce Australian native blends with unique marine collagen as well. We strive to only use natural ingredients, That’s evidence of these three products in the Blairsom series.







Creator:What are the sales channels in China by now? What marketing methods have been adopted in China market?

Mr.Joshua Lucisano:


In China, our sales channels are both online and offline, Online is being dominating in the market across the world of these products. Chinese consumer are able to purchase Blairsom through T-mall、JD.com、Koala、Little Red Book platform etc. Blairsom products are also available in certain stores across major cities in China, such as Yokado、CDF、Sanfu、Choice、Haydon、Blaw Store etc.


For the Chinese market, we adopted the omni channel marketing strategy. Omni-channel marketing is a method where businesses promote their products and services across all channels, devices, and platforms using unified messaging, cohesive visuals, and consistent collateral. Omni-channel marketing ensures we reach customers where they are with a relevant and on-brand offer. We work together with our distributor, provide extensive training on our brand and products to their sales team. Better understanding of the brand and products are the key to provide a great consumer experience hence gaining consumer trust and trial of the brand. As for the online marketing in China, we have utilize T-mall as the flagship of the brand. We are also exploring various new media channels, for example Little Red Book platform, TikTok, consumer personal online review platform. etc.


Creator:Regards of the characteristics in different regions, is there any experience of market development can be shared?

Mr.Joshua Lucisano:

我认为最重要的是了解市场的真实需求。我们需要了解消费者想要什么。就像你提到的,那些怀孕的或者有婴儿的人群,会倾向于使用天然产品,我们听到了很多类似的消费者的需求,我认为Blairsom 系列产品解决了不少问题。在进入市场之前,我们将对相同市场细分进行对应的市场分析和研究。分析范围包括消费者习惯、消费能力、同类细分商品的销售额以及消费者生活方式和我们居住的城市环境等。

I think the most important thing is to understand the real demand in the market. We need to understand what the consumer wants. Like you mentioned before, those becoming pregnant or having a baby are opting for nature product, and we hearing this more and more, Blairsom does that quite accurately. We will conduct a specific market analysis and research on the similar categories prior to entering the market. This analysis includes consumption habits, consumption ability, sales of similar categories, consumer lifestyle and urban environment which we living in etc.




Creator:What are the brand’s goals and visions for the future?

Mr.Joshua Lucisano:

头皮的衰老速度是脸部的6倍, 如果头皮是油性的,那就是头皮老化的表现。与脸部相比,我们经常忽视头皮和身体其他部分的健康。在Blairsom,我们希望研发一系列产品来解决皮肤和头皮遇到的不同问题。我们相信人类理想生活的标准是自然和健康,我们希望借用自然的力量去延长皮肤的健康状态。

The aging of the scalp is actually 6 times faster than the face. If the scalp is oily then it is a sign of scalp aging. We often neglect the health of our scalp compared to our face and other part of body. At Blairsom, we hope to develop a series of products to combat the different problems of skin and scalp. We believe that the ideal standard for human is "natural" and "healthy". We are hoping that future products will be able to assist in combat this aging problem.
