Unit 1 目标短语1 folk songs/ music民歌,民乐 2 classical musIc 古典音乐 3 country music乡村青乐,我来为大家科普一下关于北京版四年级英语下知识总结?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



Unit 1 目标短语

1 folk songs/ music民歌,民乐 2 classical musIc 古典音乐 3 country music乡村青乐

4 pop songs流行歌曲 5 jazz爵士乐 6 listen to听…

7 Play the violin拉小提琴 8 play the piano弹钢琴 9 play the drums敲鼓

10 play the guitar弹吉他 11 all kinds of各种各样的 12 keep a pet饲养宠物

13 keep quiet保持安静 14 make model planes制作模型飞机 15 After school放学后

16 play basketball打篮球 17 after work下班后 18 play football踢足球

19 watch TV看电视 20 go roller-skating去滑轮滑 21 go fishing去钓鱼

22 in the evening在晚上 22 in the afternoon在下午 23 on weekends在周末

Unit 2 目标短语

1 have a stomachache肚子痛 2 have a headache头痛 3 have a fever发烧

4 have a toothache牙痛 5 feel bad感觉不好 6 see a doctor看医生

7 take your temperature量量你的体温 8 a runny nose流鼻涕 9 a cough咳嗽

10 a sore throat嗓子痛 11 the flu<口语>流行性感冒 12 a patient病人

13 an ambulance救护车 14 take an X-ray照X光片 15 take a blood test验血

16 take some pills吃些药 17 open your mouth张开嘴 18 get well康复

19 need to do sth.需要做某事 20 hurt badly疼得厉害

Unit 3 目标短语

1. the way to去……的路 2 on the fifth floor在第五层

3 on the right of on the left of在……的右边/左边 4 teachers' office教师办公室

5 computer teacher电脑教师 6 police station警察局 7 gas station加油站

8 fire station消防站 9 post office邮局 10 car park停车场

11 drive on向前开 12 try to do sth尽力做某事 13 the third room第三个房间

14 excuse me打扰一下 15 turn right向右转 16 turn left向左转

17 and then于是,然后 18 go up the stairs上楼 19 go down the stairs下楼

Unit 5 目标短语

1 World Earth Day世界地球日 2 Labour Day五一国际劳动节 3 visit the Great Wall 游览长城

4 the working people劳动人民 5 all over the country全国 6 get gifts收到礼物

7 hold parties举行聚会 8 science museum科学博物馆

9 puppet show木偶剧 10 amusement park游乐园

11 the Dragon Boat Festival端午节 12 Chinese calendar阴历,农历

13 have a dragon boat race赛龙舟 14 visit friends and relatives走亲访友

15 see lantern shows看灯展 16 traditional Chinese festival中国传统节日

Unit 6 目标短语

1 fly your kite放风筝 2 why not为什么不 3 at the square在广场

4 in front of在……前 5 cross the street过马路 6 walk your dog遛狗

7 no swimming禁止游泳 8 keep of远离 9 pick flowers摘花

10 no littering请勿乱丢垃圾 11 fall into the water落水 12 get warm变暖

13 watch out小心 14 fall and hurt yourself摔伤你自己

15 get hit by a car被车撞到 16 play in the car park在停车场玩

17 step on your foot踩到你的脚 18 be careful小心

19 in the crowd在人群中 20 no pushing请勿推搡

21 in the reading room在阅览室 22 no running别跑 23 no talking不要说话

Unit 7目标短语

1 never mind别担心,别介意 2 broke the toy car弄坏了玩具车 3 kicked…into…把…踢进

4 broke the cup摔碎茶杯 5 lost the key to our house遗失了我们家钥匙

6 let me check让我检查一下 7 be more careful更加小心 8 next time下次

9 lost my new cap丢了我的新帽子 10 hit somebody撞到某人11 spilled the milk把牛奶弄洒了

12 wet the floor把地板弄湿了 13 picked some flowers摘了一些花

14 broke it把它弄坏了 15 naughty boy一个淘气的男孩儿
