这些食物绝对不能生吃 - 鸡肉








这道菜叫做鸡柳刺身或鸡肉刺身,如果你在餐厅的菜单上看见这道菜,可能会很想尝尝吧?毕竟,这道菜是由受过专门训练的厨师做的,所以肯定很安全呢,对吧?非常错误。南佛罗里达大学公共卫生助理教授劳里·赖特(Lauri Wright)博士对《健康热线》说,这种食物趋势是“危险的”。她说:“鸡肉被认为是导致食物中毒的主要食物之一。吃生鸡肉只会增加你患沙门氏菌和弯曲杆菌的风险。所谓安全的生鸡肉是不存在的。”



raw - adj. 生的

rage - n. 暴怒,狂怒,迅速蔓延

keep up with - 跟上,不落人后

diet - n. 日常饮食,规定饮食

trend - n. 趋势

dip - v. 蘸,浸,(使) 下沉

dip your toe into - 试水

arena - n. 舞台,场所

regimen - n. 养生计划,生活规则

chow - v. 吃

chow down - 吃掉,吃饭

pop up - 突然出现,突然冒出

hands off - 不管,住手

dough - n. 生面团

skinny - n. 内幕消息

poultry - n. 家禽

rare - adj. 稀少的,半熟的

no-no - n. 绝对不能干的事情

sashimi - n. 生鱼片

chef - n. 厨师

food poisoning - 食物中毒

salmonella - n. 沙门菌

campylobacter - n. 弯曲杆菌

bacteria - n. 细菌

sear - v. 烧灼,轻煎

nausea - n. 恶心,作呕

vomit - n. 呕吐

cramp - n. 痉挛,绞痛

stomach cramp - 胃疼

diarrhea - n. 腹泻





Foods you should never eat raw - Chicken

Karen Miner


Raw foods are all the rage these days, and if you like to keep up with the latest diet trends, you may have already dipped your toe into the raw food arena at some point. But do you really know which foods are best eaten raw? Or even which foods are safe to eat raw?

Before you go head first into an all-raw-all-the-time eating regimen, there are a few things you might want to know about your new way of life. Some of the foods on this list might seem a bit obvious — like chicken. Surely people aren't willingly chowing down on raw chicken, are they? Yes, it turns out they are, thanks to one dish that's popping up on restaurant menus. Other foods on this list might surprise you — there's a reason you'll want to keep your hands off the raw cookie dough, but contrary to what we've always been told, it's not just the eggs you have to worry about.

So what else should you avoid? Here's the skinny on all the foods you should never eat raw.


One of the first things we learn when it comes to cooking meat and poultry is that rare chicken is a no-no. So why would anyone eat raw chicken? Because some restaurants are serving it, that's why.

The dish is called torisashi, or chicken sashimi, and you might be tempted to try it if you find it on a restaurant menu. After all, it is a trained chef preparing it, so it must be safe, right? Very wrong. Lauri Wright, PhD, an assistant professor in public health at the University of South Florida told Healthline that this food trend is "dangerous." "Chicken is considered one of the top foods for food poisoning," she said. "Eating raw chicken only increases your risk for salmonella and campylobacter bacteria. There is no safe raw chicken."

The CDC recommends cooking chicken to an internal temperature of 165 degrees, and torisashi is typically seared for no longer than 10 seconds — not a sufficient amount of time or heat to kill harmful bacteria. Unless you're looking forward to nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, and diarrhea, it's probably best not to roll the dice on raw (or even lightly seared) chicken.
