
The horse, named Bombel, is a miniature Appaloosa from Poland. It is the shortest male horse, standing just 56.7 cm from hoof to shoulder blades.


Bombel is by far the smallest equine resident of KasKada stud farm in Lodz, where he lives alongside many larger horses. His owners Patryk and Katarzyna Zielinska insist that, despite his small stature, their stallion has "a huge personality and a huge heart."

庞贝尔是目前为止罗兹市卡斯卡达种马场最小的马科动物,在那里他和许多大型马一起生活。他的主人 Patryk 和 Katarzyna Zielinska坚持认为,尽管他身材矮小,他们的种马有“一个强大的个性和一颗巨大的心。”


According to the American Miniature Horse Association, the standard for a mini horse is anything below 96.5 cm at the withers, so Bombel comfortably qualifies.


The Zielinskas first saw Bombel in 2014, when he was just two months old. Even then, he was noticeably tiny, though his parents were normal size for miniature horses.



The professional horse breeders had a suspicion from early on that the new addition to their stables was special, as Katarzyna explained: "We thought something is going on with him. When he started growing up, we saw he wasn't growing as he was supposed to be."

专业的马匹饲养员从一开始就猜想他们马厩的这个新添物种是特别的,正如 Katarzyna 解释的那样: “我们觉得他有些不对劲。当他开始生长的时候,我们看到他并没有像他应该的那样长大。”


While his status as the smallest horse in the world may now have confirmed him to be one-of-a-kind, Bombel hasn’t let the glory go to his head. He still finds time to do some voluntary work.


Once a month, he visits a local children's hospital to help brighten the day of the young patients. Having seen horses going into US hospitals as emotional support animals, Katarzyna was inspired to do the same.


"Bombel has changed our lives completely, because he allows us to help other people and make kids happy."



Interestingly, reactions at the hospital to this small horse tend to vary between young and old.


"The kids just love Bombel and they don’t care about his size. The adults are: 'What’s that!' They cannot even imagine such a small horse."

“孩子们只是喜欢庞贝尔,他们不在乎他的身材。大人们说: ‘那是什么!'他们甚至无法想象会有这么小的一匹马。”

The shortest horse ever is Thumbelina, who sadly passed away in 2018. This miniature sorrel brown mare from St Louis, Missouri, USA, measured 44.5 cm tall.


