
Part1 Transport 交通工具篇

1-1 Make signpost questions

1 Excuse me ,where is the someplace=sp ?)

2-Excuse me ,can you tell me how to get=go=travel to sp?

3- Excuse me, could you pls tell me where the sp is ?

4- Excuse me, could you pls tell me the way to sp ?

1-2 Answer:

1- You can take the transport ( like,high-speed railway ,coach,bus,subway ...) to sp.

2- You can go=get=travel to sp by transport( high-speed railway ,coach,bus,subway...)

Part 2 Word preview






Part3 Give direction

Excuse me, where is the nearest subway station? - Go straight along this street (ST),then turn left at the first crossroad, walk about 2 mins and you will see a convenience store on your right, go pass by the store and you can't miss the subway sign.



Part4 How to take the subway


First,take a look at the map to find out your destination

then, buy a ticket from ticket machine or ticket desk

After that, go through security

finally, queue for your subway ( queue=wait in line )

Pls note: You could also use the virtual card on your phone or metro card to take the subway.
