

前不久我在刚买的Loft HD上面找很多客户的联系方式,发布了很多开发信,我以为会石沉大海的,但是令人兴奋的是,我收到了一个客户的回复,好开心的~~但是考虑的之前由于自己的原因错失了好多机会,于是在回复客户邮件之前,我在Loft HD的详细的对比了客户的信息资料,以及竞争对手的优劣势分析,给客户做了回复,现在在耐心的等待客户的回复呢(祝我好运)


1 、如果回复邮箱的不是决策者,一般会这么回复

Dear ,thank you I received you mail and I sent it to my boss. He didn't tellme nothing just now.

I will conctact you soon

Best regards ****

2 、而如果按照以下模板,这样的回复,以后可以多加跟进,发新产品消息,一些新的报价什么的!时间久了,应该会有收获的。

Hello ,

I receive more than 10 offers every day and it will take me some times to look into each and

every offers. I will contact you in the future if you are in our selection of companies.

Many thanks for your co-operation.

Yours faithfully,


Dear *****,

please excuse the delay in my reply.

I have been so busy searching through all the mails, concerning the Bathroom project.

May i ask you,where you purchase your Acrylic for the bathtups ? We have a customer who is interested in this subject. In the coming days, i will reply concerning some samples.

Best regards,


4 、当然还有想借机刺探“军情”的,比如:

Hello Dustin:Sorry for the late reply.

I will get back with you later.I am very busy atthe moment.

If you have US customer as reference, that would help

a lot. I am not here to steal information.We use reference in US to generate trust, just like you have

"connections" (friends) among Chinese.




Dear Dustin: I wish to have complete information about two of your bathtubs models AS-9005 and AS-9004, specially I need plans with dimensions and cross section, technical details like thickness

of acrylic, if it has automatic waste pipe to open and close plug, if it is possible to include

massage jets and the pricing…. Now we have a person who lives in Hong Kong called William Chu at Flylight Industrial Limited

who is appointed to help us and to work and talk with you. His e-mail is********

I told him about our business contact and I think he will visit soon.

Best Regards、******







