Hi 米粉们,欢迎来到Mia的英文课堂。



1. bombshell (名词)出乎意料的信息、爆炸性消息

英英释义: a bombshell is a sudden piece of bad or unexpected news.

示 例:

Former US president John F. Kennedy’s death was a bombshell to the world. 前美国总统肯尼迪的死亡在当时可是个重磅消息。

The news of her death came as a bombshell. 她去世的消息令人震惊。

2. Bombshell 大美女、非常有魅力的女人

英英释义:a very attractive woman

示 例:a blonde bombshell 一个金发美女


常用短语:drop a bombshell 宣布一个令人震惊的消息

英英释义:if someone drops a bombshell, they give you a sudden piece of bad or unexpected news.

示 例:She dropped a bombshell at the meeting and announced that it was Tom who stole ¥10,000 from the company. 她在会上宣布了令人吃惊的消息,是汤姆挪用了公司的10000元。

【Let’s Talk】

So now you know BOMBSHELL. Why don’t you practice right away by making a sentence using the word bombshell? Leave a comment below. I’d love[心] to hear from you.

