


1) 更多的是考虑为了考试的人,首选用中文理解和表达对英语custom和habit二者之间的不同。这是最简单粗暴的做法




2) 我们更多的是侧重通过表述英语custom和habit的差异,让我们的英语口语能力和英语表达能力得到训练与提高。



3) 查阅不同的英英字典对custom解释的用词,体会同一个意思不同的用词,丰富我们未来英语表达的用词能力:

1. Custom:a traditional and widely accepted way of behaving or doing something that is specific to,or belongs to a particular society, place, or time.




1a. Okay.I got you.Custom is a traditional way of doing something.It's a traditional way of doing something也叫It's an accepted way of doing something.

1b. But,but,you know,it belongs to a society,belongs to a place ,or to a time.

For example,we all celebrate the New Year's Day,we all celebrate Spring Festival.

They are social customs,not personal habits.

For example,do not touch a kid's head in Thailand.

They are social customs,not personal habits.

For example,do not starting eating until after your grandparents have started first.

They are social customs,not personal habits.

用英语记忆custom的重点英语词belongs to a society,belongs to a place ,or to a time出来了。

好好品味记忆这几句英语而不需要转化为中文,custom的意思是什么就出来了,这简直就是跟人英语对话的现成句子啊:a traditional way of doing something.But,but,you know, it belongs to a society,belongs to a place ,or to a time.


2. Custom:a traditional practice or usual way of doing something followed by,or practiced by a social group or people.


2a.注意到没有:有的英英字典说a traditional way,an accepted way of,有的字典说a traditional practice,a usual way of,意思都一样用词却不同,对你今后英语“遣词造句”是否有所启发?

2b. 注意到没有:表达同样意思,有的字典说 that is specific to,or belongs to,有点字典说followed by,practiced by.

2c.注意到没有:有点字典说a society 有点说a social group,意思都不变!



2d. Okay.I got you.Custom is a traditional practice,or a usual way of doing something.It's a traditional way of doing something也叫It's an accepted way of doing something.

2e. But,but,you know,it is followed by ,or practiced by a social group.

4) 我们甚至可以就英语a traditional way,an accepted way of, a traditional practice,a usual way做英语口语训练:

1. Okay.I got you. When we say:a traditional way of,we can also say:an accepted way of,or a traditional practice of,or a usual way of blablabla做英语口语训练:

2. When you follow something, you practice something.

5) 把habit的意思用英语表达出来

1. Well,you know,smoking is your personal habit.

2. Well,you know,going to bed early and getting up early is a personal habit.

3. Well,you know,drinking a lot has become a personal habit with him

4. Well,you know,washing your hands after using the toilet is a good (personal) habit.

5. Well,you know,washing your hands before meals is a good (personal) habit.

