
700th article700期双语推文



NB: This may not be a word-for-word transcript.

On August 24 th, the General Office of the Zhengzhou Municipal People's Government issued theTwenty Measures to Support Post-disaster Reconstruction and Resumption of Production by Enterprises in Zhengzhou, with the goal of helping disaster-stricken enterprises overcome recent difficulties and boost confidence, quickly restoring market vitality, and seeking solid progress in economic and social reconstruction following the disaster.


1 Support enterprises in repairing their production equipment. Disaster-affected enterprises that need to repair their flooded production, inspection, and testing equipment as well as their internal power supply facilities will have 30% of their actual maintenance costs subsidized, with a cap set at 5 million yuan for enterprises above designated size and 1 million yuan for enterprises below that size. This subsidy policy does not apply to companies that have already been compensated through insurance, but a relief fund amounting to 5% of their insurance compensation will be available.


2 Support enterprises in upgrading their technologies. Enterprises are encouraged to pursue development that is high-quality, intelligent, and green. Those meeting set conditions will receive a subsidy of no more than 30% of their actual investments towards improving their technological levels.


3 Support enterprises in restoring and rebuilding their production sites and construction facilities. Enterprises whose production sites, auxiliary buildings, and other facilities have been flooded and need to be repaired or rebuilt will receive a subsidy equal to 20% of their actual maintenance or reconstruction costs. The subsidy will be capped at 5 million yuan for enterprises above designated size and at 1 million yuan for enterprises below that size. Enterprises that have already been compensated by insurance are not eligible for this subsidy but can access a relief fund equal to 5% of the insurance compensation amount.


4 Allow enterprises to temporarily rent workshops and warehouses for resuming production. If any enterprises above designated size have had their workshops, production facilities, business premises, or warehouses damaged by flooding so that they cannot be quickly returned to service, they can rent other factories and warehouses within Zhengzhou's jurisdiction to resume operation, and a subsidy equal to 50% of their actual rental expenses will be granted. The subsidy will last until April 30th, 2022 at the latest, and the total amount granted per enterprise will be capped at 2 million yuan.


5 Support power generation. The government has purchased more thermal coal to encourage municipal power companies to generate electricity, ensuring a steady power supply for COVID-19 prevention and control and post-disaster reconstruction. From August 12thto September 1st, operating units of coal-fired power plants under unified management will be given a one-time subsidy of five yuan per kilowatt according to the average power generation load, while new operating units can get a subsidy of one yuan per kilowatt per day based on their average power generation load.


6 Support the reconstruction of commercial and cultural tourism enterprises. Large shopping malls, supermarkets, and cultural tourism enterprises that have been hard hit by the disaster will receive a subsidy to cover 50% of their actual costs incurred in replacing or repairing their damaged storage, logistics and entertainment facilities. The subsidy will be capped at 1 million yuan for each large shopping mall and supermarket and 2 million yuan for each cultural tourism enterprise.


7 Support the restoration, reconstruction and transformation of farm produce markets and commercial markets. One hundred and thirty eight farm produce markets and 159 specialized markets will be granted a subsidy of 500,000, 300,000, or 100,000 yuan, depending on their losses and post-disaster reconstruction situation.


8 Support chain retail stores and individual businesses in resuming operations. Chain retail stores and individual businesses that have difficulty operating as a result of the disaster will be subsidized to help them resume production according to their operating costs (rent, water, electricity and gas charges). The subsidy will be capped at 10,000 yuan per individual enterprise.


9 Reduce the deposit ratio of the corporate housing provident fund. Enterprises that have difficulty paying the housing provident fund due to the disaster can apply to have the deposit ratio reduced to a minimum of 5% or can apply to defer their payments for a period of no more than 12 months.


10 Increase credit loans. Small and micro enterprises and individual businesses that are hard hit by the disaster will be granted an unsecured credit loan of less than 300,000 yuan with no personal guarantee.


11 Reduce or exempt rents. Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, and individual businesses that rent state-owned assets for business use but are unable to operate normally due to the disaster will be exempted from the rent in August when their businesses are closed. The rents in September and October will be reduced by half.


12 Speed up tax refund and postpone tax payment in accordance with regulations. Enterprises that meet the tax refund requirements will be all refunded as soon as possible. Relevant authorities will accelerate the refund of incremental VAT retained to ensure that the tax refunds are paid to eligible enterprises in a timely manner.


13 Defer the social insurance payment. If enterprises that have participated in the social insurance program of Zhengzhou cannot continue normal operations due to the disaster, they are allowed to apply to defer basic pension, unemployment, and work-related insurance payments when meeting the relevant requirements. The deferral period is tentatively set for three months.


14 Continue some preferential policies for social insurance premiums. The unemployment and work-related injury insurance rates will be continuously reduced in phases until April 30th, 2022.

延续部分社会保险费优惠政策。延续实施 阶段性降低失业、工伤保险费率政策至2022年4月30日。

15 Reduce guarantee fees. All financing guarantee agencies in Zhengzhou will waive financing guarantee fees of small and micro enterprises and companies engaged in "agriculture, rural areas and rural people" in August and reduce the fees by half in September and October.


16 Establish a compensation fund for post-disaster reconstruction. Guarantee agencies will be compensated for their losses in accordance with regulations, and are also encouraged to provide loan guarantee for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and companies engaged in "agriculture, rural areas and rural people".


17 Enhance the financing credit of enterprises. As set out in the Notice of Zhengzhou Municipal Finance Bureau on the Establishment of Emergency On-lending Working Capital for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Zhengzhou(ZCB [2020] No.26), the time limit for the use of emergency on-lending working capital by SMEs will be extended by one year until the end of September 2022.


18 Expedite the liquidation of government arrears. Regarding government debts to enterprises, especially private enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises, all localities and departments must strictly implement the Regulations on Ensuring Payments to Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises(Order No.728 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China) and other related provisions, and raise funds from multiple sources to ensure that all balances will be cleared before the end of September 2021.


19 Postpone the deadline for delivery of real estate projects. Hit by the extremely heavy rain and the re-emerging outbreak of COVID-19, if real estate projects cannot continue construction nor be delivered by the contract deadline, the construction party and the developer can apply for a deadline extension while taking measures to protect the rights and interests of the buyers. The extension period shall not exceed three months.


20 Delay the repayment of the principal and interest of bank loans. If enterprises (including small and micro enterprises and individual businesses) have difficulty repaying the principal of loans that have matured since July 1st, 2021, banking financial institutions shall provide temporary deferred repayment services through loan renewal and extension. The date of repayment can be extended to December 31st, 2022 at the latest.


In addition, Zhengzhou has established 2,313 post-disaster reconstruction project libraries, with a total investment of 150 billion yuan. By consolidating its strengths to support weak links, Zhengzhou will place equal emphasis on achieving both safe and high-quality development.




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Chief Planner丨Shi Dadong

Managing Editor丨Xiong Vivi

Cover Photo|Li Xinhua

Art Editor丨Wang Xiaoyu

Trainee Editor丨Xu Hanyu


