unnormal:不正常的,不规范的双语例句:The Unnormal Phenomenon of Spoken and Written Language in Mass Media and Countermeasures;传播是公共关系的核心要素,语言是最基本最重要的传播媒介After refitting, the generator should be up to the principal requirements and run without sparks or unnormal noises.重新安装后,发电机应满足基本要求,即工作时无火花和无异常噪音,我来为大家科普一下关于unnormal是什么意思?以下内容希望对你有帮助!




双语例句:The Unnormal Phenomenon of Spoken and Written Language in Mass Media and Countermeasures;传播是公共关系的核心要素,语言是最基本最重要的传播媒介。After refitting, the generator should be up to the principal requirements and run without sparks or unnormal noises.重新安装后,发电机应满足基本要求,即工作时无火花和无异常噪音。