第十六天 读终极英语单词12000 第二册Level4 部分,计划每天学30个左右,一个月争取读完单词的例句都是从近期英美报刊中节选最新例句,我来为大家科普一下关于62个从零开始学会英语单词?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



第十六天 读终极英语单词12000 第二册Level4 部分,计划每天学30个左右,一个月争取读完。单词的例句都是从近期英美报刊中节选最新例句。















emphasis 重点 强调

It is no surprise that a business whose fortunes were built on the trench coat should emphasise outerwear, running the gamut from metallic to faux fur by way of its signature beige.

reception 接待 招待会

Lina Khan’s ideas to regulate tech companies received a warm reception from senators at her confirmation hearing

stare 凝视 盯着看

As a child, Zampatti would stare at the drapery on bright frescoes of the saints in Italian churches

tame 驯服的 平淡的 乏味的

Scherzer braves wind, tames Cardinals

submit 提交

His account is one of eight cases submitted as part of a dossier by Justice4Troops in the hope of initiating an inquiry into the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme by the defence select committee

tribe 部落 宗族 (一)帮 类 伙

How about T-shirts emblazoned with the tribes they’ve joined?

surrender 使投降 放弃

But concern remains that some shoes could breach the rules, and referees in Tokyo will be reminded before the Games that they can ask an athlete to surrender their footwear at the end of their event.

interpreter 口译者

He met his future wife, Teresa, at an Earth Day rally, and she served as the interpreter for the delegation in Brazil.

underline 强调 在下面划线

The conviction in the George Floyd murder trial underlines the need for widespread reforms in training and attitudes

definition 定义

Only 16 per cent of the homes met the government’s definition of affordable, which includes those sold or rented at lower than market value.

relatively 相当的 相对的

Eradicating them with poisons that can be dropped by aircraft or drone is relatively cheap and causes little damage to other species, he said. Rats have been removed from more than 500 islands.

unite 团结 联合 混合

the previous evening and agreed that they were united in opposition against the plan. It was agreed then that players,

ache 疼痛 渴望

Statins are not the cause of aches and pains suffered by those taking them, according to research published today.

source 来源

A Whitehall source said the extent of the contact was a consistent cause for concern among officials.
