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I remember when I was in college as one of the good students,my classmates use to ask me for help。And I felt really good helping them,especially some of them were my friends,but what happened that more and more people starting seeking for help,and after sometime I realized that I am spending way too much time on that than on the things that I really want。I don’t have the time to work on the projects that I planned long ago。

Its one thing to be distracted when you’re trying to focus,its another entirety to be hijacked before you even get to。So this is how I have learnt one of most important lessons in my life,learn to say no!otherwise forgot about being productive or achieving anything in life。Please will ask for your advice and help,co-workers will want you on their team,friends will request your assistance,strangers will seek you out。Invitations and interruptions will come at you from everywhere imaginable。How you handle all of this,determines the time you’re able to devote to your goals。Remember what there always will be unlimited amount of work every single day,everything seen very important,family、friends、college、work whatever。But there is always will be limited amount of time!


What a lot of people don’t get is that,lets say:not very good things happen on the way to achieve your goals,you have to accept this fact either you want it or not,you will have flight and argument with your spouse,you will face financial problems,there will be people who will disappoint you。Most people give up in such situational!a problem comes in and for rest of the day,you are pissed of。Remember,all these obstacles are part of your journey to success and that’s exactly,how you should view them!that’s the reality that you should accept!so when things don’t go the way you wanted them to,don’t waste your time feeling sad、disappointed、angry!because that will only distract your from your one thing that you should be focusing on!

Problems are natural,in fact ,the more you focus on what you what,the more of it you’ll probably get。In fact,problems are a good thing 。when you’ve got problems,it means you’re talking action。In fact,one of the biggest differences between productive people and unproductive people is this:when productive people come across a problem,they keep going-they take action;when unproductive people come across a problem,they stagnate -they stop。


A lot of people don’t understand the fact,that you performance or productivity is highly depended on your health。No matter how hard you work today,even if you work for the whole day,if you keep eating junk food,drinking soft drink and not exercising at all,it seriously damage your health!they might stop you completely from achieving what you want,or it might become a big sort of distraction in your life。Think of yourself as the amazing biological machine,and consider this daily energy plan for high productivity。Begin early with meditation for spiritual energy;staring the day by connecting with your higher purpose。The more straight to the kitchen for your most important meal of the day and the cornerstone of physical energy:a nutritious breakfast designed to fuel your days work。Figure out easy ways to eat right and then plan all your daily meals a week at a time,and don’t forget to exercise for at least 15mins a day。To relieve stress and strengthen your body for maximum productivity。


No one lives or works in isolation,every day ,you come in contact with others and you are influenced by them。Unquestionably,these individuals impact your attitude、your health and ultimately your performance。The people around you may be more important than you think。it’s a fact that you’re likely to pick up some of the attitudes of others by working with them,socializing with them,or simply being around them。From co-workers to friends to family,if they’re generally not positive or fulfilled on the job or away form it,they’ll probably pass on some of their negativity。Attitude is contagious,it spreads easily,so make sure that the people around you and your physical surroundings support your goals。

The right people in your life and the right physical environment on your daily path will support your efforts to get to your to your goals。And now its your turn,what do you think?what else would you add to this list?
