Live and learn大家一般都理解为“活到老学到老(keep studying as long as we live)”。


- Oh no! 哦,不

- Where’s the champagne?


- Well...嗯…

- Hahaha, I can not believe you put it in the freezer! You know the bottle is under pressure!


- I just wanted it to stay cold. It literally turned into a champagne slush.


- Live and learn.


‘Live and learn’ is an expression used when one has learned something from personal experience.

‘Live and learn’是指一个人从个人经历中学到了东西。正确的含义是"原以为自己很在行了,没想到又学到了新的东西"或者翻译为"活这么大才知道还有这回事啊~"


—I thousht I could trust him, but I couldn't.

—Oh well,you live and learn.

live and learn 在这里表示learn through your mistakes or experience的意思,相当于汉语的“从失败或经验中吸取教训(吃一堑长一智”。


拓展一:live and learn的意思与用法

不少人(包括词典)常将英语中的 live and learn 翻译成“活到老,学到老”,其实两者是一定差距的。汉语中说的“活到老,学到老”,其实是强调人的终身学习,有“生命不息,学习不止”之意,但英语中的 live and learn 是什么意思呢?Oxford Idiom Dictionary将 live and learn 列为 idom, 并给出了以下两种用法:

1. learn through your mistakes or experience 从失败(或经验)中吸取教训;吃一堑长一智:

I let my bike unlocked for five minutes and it was stolen. You live and learn I suppose.我没锁自行车,只离开五分钟就被偷了,只能吃一,长一智喽。

2.used for expressing surprise at sth new which you have just heard read etc(表示对刚得知的事情感到惊讶)真是学到老,学不了;真想不到:

It says in this book that the Romans were the first to have a state postal service. Well, you live and learn, don’t you?这本书说罗马人最先开创了国家邮政业务。唉呀,真是不学不知道,不是吗?


live in是短语吗(真想不到Liveand)(1)

live in是短语吗(真想不到Liveand)(2)

拓展二:Learn and live的用法

这个习语的意思是only after we have learned how to live can we live a good life “只有学会了怎样生活,我们才能拥有好生活”——多学习才能更好地活着。


拓展三:live and let live的用法

live and let live 也是句谚语,意思是 used to say that you should accept other people’s opinions and behaviour even though they are different from your own, 相当于汉语的"自己活也让别人活"、“宽以待人”、”互相包容”。如:

If we could all learn to live and let live a little more, the world would be a much happier place. 如果我们都能学会互相宽容,世界将变得更美好。

live in是短语吗(真想不到Liveand)(3)
